Much Better than any of the current rubbish on offer
PostedFebruary 28, 2022
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I really enjoyed playing this game. Yes it's an older game so the graphics aren't as pretty as current styles but the story is solid, you have a clear mission, you actually return to scenes and have to remember the storyline. You get weird objects in your inventory early in the game that don't get used until near the end. All the good things that make a challenging game instead of the formulaic drivel dished up recently. Go back and re-play your oldies! Don't waste money on unimaginative "new" offerings.
Maybe it's because I just finished an old school game before I started on this one? No - it was terrible and I haven't come across one so bad in quite some time. Pathetic storyline, terrible voice actors and only OK graphics. I expect more when I pay for a game and really wish I could ask for a refund..... Don't bother - it's rubbish.
I think this may be an older game. No maps, but I really enjoyed the graphics and it was crafted in such a way that made it easy to follow. HOG's were different but still challenging and the flow of the game was logical. Skipped a few of the mini games just because they aren't my style. Good length and challenging enough without being frustrating. Recommend this one and I'll be looking for more in the series.
I enjoyed the storyline and it started out quite complex however it seemed to get easier as you moved through each stage of the game and the requirements to complete each stage were reduced. I suppose this prevents it becoming repetitive but I did feel this game was a bit short. Fun to pass a few hours and different to the usual offering in this genre.
I've played quite a few in this series now and they never fail to disappoint with colourful and imaginative graphics, good story line and a bad guy to catch up with.
A good long game with the CE extra game almost another whole game in itself. Help find the missing mermaid and save the island. A rollicking good yarn with great visuals, heaps of scenes and a good mix of HOP's. Worth the extra for CE.
Yes- it was pretty easy and yet that made it relaxing and I enjoyed coming back to it as it was easy to pick up where I left off. The storyline was engaging and the scenes colourful. This is a long game but doesn't get boring and the CE has a bonus additional game from a different characters perspective. I liked this game all the way through - enough to come and review it. An easy but engaging game.
Based on reviews here, I chose to demo this game pre-purchase and I'm not proceeding to buy. WAY too much dialogue. HOP's TOO easy and mini-games not worthy of any serious fan of this genre. Drop the dialogue and let us get on with the game then this MIGHT be salvageable. Excellent graphics and sound. Storyline a bit dodgy but I've played full games with worse.
When I first started this game I was excited by the different story line and graphics however it deteriorated as it progressed to the point of bizarre and by the end I couldn't wait for it to be over. Quite a short game and overall didn't flow well. Used the map and hints a lot more than I would normally. Hints mainly to complete mini games looking for shapes that you couldn't skip. There are certainly better options and I'm disappointed because it started out so promisingly. The story certainly had possibilities to develop way better than it did.
This is a VERY simplistic HOG with little to no challenge. I would recommend for a young primary child if the storyline was more understandable for someone of that age. Played trial version and was glad when it ended. Almost stopped sooner but wanted to see if it got any better. It didn't. Glad I didn't jump in and buy this one.