Review based on the completed game. I have several of the game in the Immortal Love series, and enjoy going back to them every now and again. So when I saw this new addition to the series I was more than happy to give it a go. Having learned my lesson about jumping in before playing the trial, I tested the waters first. The trial led me to believe that this game would be as good as the other games in the series, and so I bought the CE edition. The only plus side to this, is that I used credits to purchase this game, as I would have been much more upset if I'd actually wasted money on it. After the cliff hanger end to the trial, the game devolved into utter nonsense, and was suddenly piled high with puzzles, which I don't like. The graphics are not too bad, but the game play became a real chore, and the story became just silly. I am mightily disappointed with this game, and as I've already said, I'm glad I didn't waste my money on it.
The first thing I do when playing any game is to turn off the music and sometimes the sound effects. I find them irritating and unnecessary. I turned off both music and sound effects, but was still forced to listen to music and bells. Thanks to this, I played less than one minutes of this game, and exited. I won't be buying this game, and if anyone else finds the sound effects and music as annoying as I do, they might want to give this game a miss too.
Based on the Trial. This is NOT a Hidden Object game, it a Puzzle game. I've loved this series since the beginning, and have all but one of the games in this series. I will most definitely NOT be buying this game, as I don't like Puzzles, and that's pretty much all there are in this game. I was so pleased to see another addition to this wonderful series but what a disappointment this turned out to be. If you're looking for a Puzzle-fest, you'll love this game. If like me you're looking for a Hidden Object game, look elsewhere.
Its been a long time since I've written a review for any of the games, but I just wanted to share my love for this game, and the other games in this series. I have all of the games in this series, and in my opinion the series just keep getting better with each game. The story lines are intriguing, the game play is engaging, the graphics are clear and bright. I even like the characters. Its almost like reading a book, or watching a movie, and you get to play a role in it. As with the other games in this series, I saw it, played the trial, and bought it.
I was so excited when I saw this game, I couldn't wait to play the trial, as I have loved, and purchased all of the previous 1000 Doors games, but this is dreadful. The "House", which is as much a character in the games, as any of the people, is changed beyond all recognition, and the characters are strangers. If this had been presented as anything other than an addition to the wonderful 1000 Doors series, it might not have been so bad, (then again, I still don't think I would have liked it much), but it has no place in that august company. I'm only glad that I played the demo, and didn't just plunge in and buy this game, as I would have been devastated. As has been advised by another reviewer, "Try Before You Buy", and avoid disappointment.
I am a newcomer to these games, and so I do need at least some help to point me in the right direction. This game gives you "Nothing", in the way of direction. To my amateurish way of thinking, this game felt unfinished, as though it had been rush out and elements had been forgotten. The story seemed like it could have been interesting, but it was overshadowed by the poor game play. As with all the games I play, I can't comment on the music, but the graphics were beautiful. Take it back to the lab, finish it properly, and re-release it. I would love to have another go when that happens. Do I recommend this game? Unfortunately in its present state, I'd have to say No, which I think is a shame, it certainly had potential.
Based on the Demo. I really like this game. Being a reletive newcomer to these games, its nice to find one that takes into account, those of us who are not experts, and gives us a chance to hone our skills, so that we might one day become experts. The game is just challenging enough, while not being so difficult it becomes aggravating, and forces those of us who are novices to throw our hands up in defeat, (in my humble opinion). The Graphics are beautifully done, clear and colourful. The music is never played, so can't comment. The story is what makes this game. A mad scientist is using your sister's soul in order to take over several alternate worlds, as well as this one. I personally haven't encountered this concept so far, in my admittedly limited experience of Hidden Object Games, and so was totally intrigued. I absolutely adore the little assisstant, which is a gift from your sister, before so falls foul of the mad scientist. A lovely little Harlequin Doll, who is able to mend broken objects, (I could really use one of those, and wonder where I can get one, Ha Ha). Not wanting to spoil anything for others who wish to play this game, I will simply add, that you travel to the alternate world, and encounter the strange inhabitants, all good stuff. Do I recommend this game? Definitely. For fellow Novices, this is a wonderful game to test yourself on. Give it a go :-))
This is one of those games that I play when I've had one of those days, and just want to unwind. The graphics are superb, bright, colourful and crystal clear. As with all the other game I have, I never play the music, so can't comment on that. The storyline is a little bit syrupy, but I don't play this game for the story, even though its not that bad. I have this game on my phone too, and so have a portable chill out zone. Do I recommend this game? Yes. For those who want something fun, but not too taxing. Give this one a go.
Based on the Demo. This is an interesting, if not a new story, about a cursed family. Our story starts with the police investigating strange goings on at Flatsbury Castle, where they find the youngest daughter of Lord Flatsbury to be the only person left in the spooky old house. Something has frightened the child so badly that she won't speak, and so you are called in to help calm the child enough that the police can question her as to what happened to her father and brother, who have disappeared. As you begin your search of the Castle, eerie things happen, such as odd sightings of a burning figure, and a giant demon dog. Writings appear on walls, pledging revenge for some, as yet unknown wrong. The story start to unfold, as you search, and find pages from a book, which tells of an old wrong committed by an ancestor of the present Lord Flatsbury. The game has a nice steady flow to it, and I was able to figure out where I was meant to be going without too much difficulty, and there was plenty to do in each scene. The Hidden Object games in the demo, were of three types: Silhouettes, Placing object where they belong, and interactive list finds, some of which had little puzzles to be solved to gain the object. These were simple puzzles, which they would have to be in order for me to complete them, as I dislike puzzles, and find them irritating, and usually skip them. Even the Puzzles which were part of the main game, were relatively simple, and I managed to muddle my way through them. I cannot comment on the music, as I always turn it off before I start, as I find it distracting and annoying. The graphic were very well done in my opinion, nice and clear, and no eye strain trying to figure out what things are meant to be. By the end of the demo, I was impressed enough to buy this game (the fact that it was during the weekend sale helped too). I may change my opinion of the game once I have played the whole thing, but at this time I thought it was worth a shot. Do I recommend this game? Yes. If you want to wait for next weekend's sale, get it then, but I don't think you'll be too disappointed :-))
Based on the whole terrible game! I have seldom subjected myself to an experience as truly dreadful as this game turned out to be. When I bought the game I had expected something along similar line to the first "Dark Strokes" game, "Sins of the Father", (which I quite liked). Oh how wrong I was. This is one of the worst games I have played. I completed the main game, and can't for the life of me explain why I didn't just quit when I realized how bad it was, except that I am stubborn to the point of insanity, but could not bring myself to play the bonus, as I felt I had suffered enough. The story (Ha!) is a mish-mash of the worst bits of well known fairy stories, with no sense or reason to what you are supposed to do. The clues are confusing, or downright silly, and lead you nowhere. I admit that the visuals are good, but they do not make up for the dreadful game play. Do I recommend this game? NO, NO, and NO again!