Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
This is a truly brilliant game. I already own the Standard Edition of this game, and love it, but I really wanted to know what happened in the Bonus Chapter. So when Big Fish offered Collectors Edition games at half price I jumped at the chance to get this one. I was not disappointed. I am a total amateur, when it come s to these games, and often struggle to make sense of the clues that are supposed to lead you through the game. Not so with this game. It actually made sense. I don't like puzzles, and I tend to skip many of them in other games, but again, I actually managed to complete some of the puzzles, without tearing my hair out. That's not to say that this game is so easy it becomes boring. Far from it. The story is intriguing, and hooks you during the free trial, so that you just have to know what happens next. The graphics are beautifully done, clear and crisp. Can't comment on the music, along with the custom cursor, it is turned off before I start playing. I just wish the developers of this game would produce a sequel. If it was half as good as this game, it would be a winner. This game is among my top five favorite games. I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Escape the cold incarceration of Davy Jones' brig and discover the otherworldly origins of his galleon in this thrilling Hidden Object adventure.
Review Based On the Demo. Played the demo, bought the game. Simple! I love this series of games, and have the other two, and have played them several times each. This one is a worthy sequel to the first two games. My only complaint is that it is the last. The graphics are beautiful, clear and colorful, and the objects in the Hidden Object games actually look like what they are supposed to be, (not some indefinable blob, which you have to accept is a horse). I am by no means an expert when it comes to playing these games, but even I can make sense of this (and the previous two) game. That's not to say that its easy, but its challenging, while still being a great deal of fun. I don't play the music so can't comment on that, but the ambient sounds, and the voice overs are superb. In my humble and admittedly inexperienced opinion, this developer seems to be one of the best, with great games, such as this one, the Enigmatis series and Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride. As I have already said, its a pity that this is the last in this series, but I hope they continue to make more like this one. Fantastic!! Do I recommend this game?? Oh my YES!!
After inheriting an old antique shop, Emily discovers an odd diary that seems to contain a number of clues as to the book's origin. As she delves deeper into the mystery, what she uncovers will change her forever.
I only managed about ten minutes of the demo for this game, and had to quit. The visuals are tiny and grainy, so that even with the magnifying glass feature, it was almost impossible to see anything. The Custom Cursor was impossible to control, as it seemed to have a mind of its own, and refused to go where I needed it to go, and even when I got rid of the custom cursor, it was still like wading through cold soup. I can't say what the story is like, as I played for so short a time, I didn't get a chance to find out if there was a story. I really can't say much else about this game, as I played for so short a time.
Perhaps a minor spoiler alert!! I have just completed what should have been a great game, and if I had bought the Standard Edition, I honestly believe I would not have been so disappointed. The main game, was wonderful, the best in this series, in my opinion. The graphic were beautiful, very crisp and colorful, again better than the two previous games. I liked the storyline too, and it kept my interest throughout the game. No music, so can't comment. Poor Lynn once again finds herself in hot water, and once again you have to fish her out. This time, its Witch Hunters. I admit, my favorite character in this and the second game in this series, is the imp, (I really want one of those cute little critters,) your little helper throughout the adventure. Being something of a novice, when it comes to these types of games, I like the idea of a Strategy Guide, and the Interactive Map was useful as a nudge when I got stuck. I really do try not to use the Hint Button, or the Strategy Guide, unless absolutely necessary, and in this game I only got stuck in the main part of the game twice. The game was logical, and made sense. I don't like puzzles, but I do try to do them, but I have neither the patience nor the inclination for them, and unless they are really, really simple, I tend to skip them. That said, I even managed to complete some, though not all of the puzzle in the main part of this game. Then we come to the Bonus Chapter, and I'm not sure if this counts as a bit of a spoiler, but I was very pleased to see that this chapter was about my favorite little friend, the imp. He gets his very own adventure. The real pity is that although this part story was good, it was spoiled, for me, by the game play. It seemed to revert to silly clues leading to silly solutions, and so was a big disappointment. I got this Collector's Edition, as part of a two for one deal, for which I'm pleased, as my disappointment would have been doubled, had I paid the full price. The only thing worth having in the Collector's Edition, in my opinion, is the Strategy Guide, so its not worth the extra cost. I do recommend this game, but as the Standard Edition, rather than the Collector's Edition. If, like me you think you might need help from a Strategy Guide, then look on the Big Fish site, for the free Walkthrough, and save yourself the money.
A beautifully done game. The graphics in this game are wonderful, and made playing the game a real treat. In my humble and I admit novice opinion, so many Hidden Object Games, have beautiful graphics, until you actually get to a Hidden Object scene, and then its like looking through frosted glass, as everything suddenly becomes indistinct and muddy. Not so in this game. I really like the story too. An ancient artifact has corrupted a once good spirit, and turned that spirit into a power hungry, and evil monster. The other good spirits, or Guardians, have captured the evil one, and contained it, and thought everything would be fine. But the baddie wants out, and enlists the help of a scholar, to gain its freedom, so as to continue on the rampage of evil. Wonderful stuff! This game made sense, in that if you needed a hammer to build something, then you played a Hidden Object scene, or,(grrrr) a puzzle, (I don't really like puzzles), then you got your hammer. I can't comment on music, I don't have the music playing. My one real complaint, and it is a personal bug; who chose the voice for the little girl in the tower?? Nails on a chalkboard, comes to mind. Other than that, this is a great game. I played this one back to back with Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride, which is another game which I thought was wonderful, so I have had a very satisfying few days of game playing
Based on the Completed Collector's Edition Game. I really like this game, and am happy that I got the Collector's Edition, as it seems to offer the things I need to make playing the game as enjoyable as possible, ie: A Strategy Guide, which I admit I needed to refer to, though not that often, (I stubbornly persevere, and only use the hint button or strategy guide if I absolutely cannot figure out my next move). I like having that safety net, even if I don't need it. A Bonus Chapter, which actually adds to the story, and finishes the game satisfactorily. All the other stuff in the Bonus Items, is stuff that I have no real interest in, such as screensavers, concept art, and music, ect. The story was very good. A scorned woman utters a curse in her moment of anguish, and then regrets her words, too late. The story kept me engaged throughout the game, and made me want to find out how things turned out. The game play made sense, which in my humble, and admittedly novice opinion, is not the case in so many games. You needed a particular item to advance in the game? You got that item, and not a whole list of incomprehensible things for which you could find no use. The graphic were beautifully done, crystal clear, and colorful. The music, I can't comment on, as it is the first thing turned off, along with the Custom Cursor, as I think they are irritating. The ambient sound were non intrusive, and the voice overs were well done. I even managed to complete some of the Puzzles, which is another irritant for me, as I play these games for the Hidden Object Games, and not Puzzles, which I don't really like. This is a game that has a good ending, even without playing the Bonus Chapter, though I admit I found that final chapter very satisfying. All in all, a very good game.
I had already played the first game in this series, and quite liked it, so was looking forward to playing this one. I bought the Collector's Edition, because Big Fish were doing a 2 for 1 sale, and so got it half price, which, as it turned out, I'm glad about. The graphics were beautiful, crystal clear and colorful. I never have the music playing, as I find it distracting and annoying, so can't say anything about that. The various Hidden Object games were good, with many objects interactive. I don't like puzzles, but I managed to muddle my way through some of them, but admit that most of them fell to the Skip button. But it was the so called story, which lets this game down. Maybe its because I'm new to these types of games, but after the first hour, in my opinion, there just wasn't a story, it had been covered in the demo, and after that it was simply playing the various games to get to the end. Because I had the Collector's Edition, I also got the Bonus Game, which again had little to recommend it, just play the various games until it finished. I really wanted to like this game, because I had enjoyed the first one, but this, for me, was a big let down.
I admit I was drawn to this game, because of the warning, and I admit also that it made me jump during the intro. After that, it was like wading through molasses. The game felt sluggish. I was trying to get to the next item, and the cursor was drifting in slow motion around the screen, very annoying. I found the story interesting, and so soldiered on to the end of the demo. The graphics were good, and I don't play the music, so can't comment on that. Would I buy this game? Maybe if it comes out as a standard edition, I might be tempted to use a voucher, just to see where the story leads, but I would not buy it as a collector's edition, it simply isn't worth it. I agree that it isn't a game for anyone of a nervous disposition, but it is intriguing as a horror story.
I bought this game as a "Daily Deal", after playing the free hour, and despite the fact that it didn't have a walkthrough, and I admit to being a coward, and needing that security blanket to see me through most of the game I play, as I am still somewhat of a novice. I am so pleased that I took the plunge and bought this little gem. I only got stuck once through the whole game, and I will admit I had to go to another game site, and use their walkthrough, just to get me over this one hurdle. Other than that I found the game intriguing, and a great deal of fun to play. I tend to rate a game highly if I'm not constantly going to the hint button, and this one only had one real sticking point, and after that was sensible, and logical, which I've found other game to be anything but. The graphics were crystal clear, and sharp, and the story was wonderful, and kept me interested all the way through. I even managed to complete some, but not all of the puzzles, (don't like puzzle, and tend to skip them unless they are so easy my dog could do them). I never have the music playing as I find it annoying and distracting, so can't comment on that. Overall I really liked this game, and would heartily recommend it
Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
This is a truly fantastic game. I am pretty new to this type of game, and often find them a little confusing. This game, while still being challenging enough to make me think, was also logical, and great fun, unlike some games, which are completely illogical, and very frustrating, with incomprehensible steps, leading to baffling conclusions. Any game where I don't have to constantly use the hint button, but can still figure out what to do next, is a winner in my book. The characters were interesting, and the story line was intriguing, and held my attention all the way through the game. The visuals are beautifully done, with clear graphics, even in the Hidden Object games, (where in some games the graphics suddenly become very muddy and indistinct). I never play the music, I find it annoying and distracting, so I can't comment on that. I like the fact that you could chose to search for digital information pad in each scene, similar to the morphing objects in House of 1000 Doors, or Sacra Terra, giving an extra little challenge to the game. All in all, I was very, very impressed with game, so much so, that I am thinking of buying the Collectors Edition. As the title of this review suggests, A MUST HAVE GAME!