In the continuation of the exciting Mountain Trap series, you are called to help the town of Wilshere, which has been afflicted by a series of mysterious disappearances.
One big Kudos to this team. This to me, this could of easily been a CE. It has everything but the collectibles. And I don't miss those. Don't see the point in them. I played the first one again in the series, and have to say I was getting bored. But I still went ahead and tried this one. I am totally impressed. This team cares about their games and listens to the people. No more sparkling journal, and the VO's are superbly done. This series got a total revamp, and I bought it after 4 minutes of play lol. One fun thing in the game is the little lab your given. You'll be given different formulas through out the game to mix in your little lab. Also note that you will get dialog to pick. Be sure to pick out the one you think is right because it does affect the outcome of the game.
Story: Our detective (and awesome main character) gets a call from the sheriff saying he needs help in solving the case of 15 girls that gone missing. He tells you to meet him at the hotel. You go to the hotel and a very nice receptionist asks you if you want a room, or see the sheriff. Go up to the room and see the sheriff. After the conversation, you two decide to work together. You see some strange evil woman lurking around dropping notes. Your on the case to find out who she is as well. Awesome story.
H0GS: I played I think only two so far and they were both lists with extra step words. I love the way they put the H0GS as it is not heavy at all into them. I've been doing a lot more investigating than H0GS.
Graphics: Gorgeous. Everything in this game looks so real. Right down to the leaves lol.
Music: Really nice music and totally goes along with the game. Even when something exciting happens, the music doesn't boom out all of a sudden.
Mini Games: So far I played only two. First one put the tiles in ascending order using the dial. They did this one good. You don't have to turn the tiles, it does it for you. The second one I played was put the zodiac signs in the correct line. You have 3 zodiac symbols on the side and you have to put the 5 matching one in vertical order. Another is turn all the blue hexagons to get a complete picture.
Map: Pink jewel-no action, Blue jewel-you are here and Green jewel-action. It is a jump map.
Hint System: This is one awesome hint button. Not only does it show you what you have to do in a scene, it will show you by animation what you have to do. Example: I had to collect a reagent for the lab. It showed me to pick up the eyedropper and where to pick up the reagent.
Again guys. Superior game. I highly recommend this game.
When I wrote this review, I was in the mine. I have found no glitches what so ever. I'm running Windows 8 64 bit. As I never in H0PA's use the tutorial, I recommend it in this game as it is a very good and detailed one. There's no VO's in the game, but you don't miss them. Even though this does have a hint button and a skip button, this is strictly an adventure game.
Story: The story goes like it says in the intro a group of scientist changed the people into the robots so they're immune to the virus yes. But the one scientist who knows how to transform them back is lost in the mines somewhere and you have to get him back at all costs. I love the story and want to see what happens.
Mini games: A racing car one where you have to at least get 5th place. You can't use the keyboard, only your mouse and it's hard. I managed to get 6th, tried a couple more times and skipped. The nice devs still gave you the "You Win". All the others I didn't. You had the very first one find the code. Then connect the plugs in so many moves each. Then Asteroids where you had to beat the high score of 50, I got 60. You have to click almost like a machine gun :)
Hint System: I don't see nothing at all useless about it. The hint system is awesome. Not only does it show you where to go, but say like you have an elevator button to push, it circles which one you have to push. Very detailed.
Graphics: Yes they maybe on the cartoon side, but they're extremely well done. No problems at all telling what they are.
Kudos to the team for an awesome game! I highly recommend this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
For those of you that had a problem with the ladder, try picking up the three rungs for it first, then see if that works. This team usually puts out grade A+ games, but this one I liked it, but wasn't thrilled about it. To me the game they put out yesterday Mysteries of the Past: Shadows of the Daemon was much better even with the sparkles. In this one you knew to early on who the killer was. I figured it out at the middle of the 2nd chapter. The VO's for the cop, and Arthur were great, but the one for Helen and the mother sounded on the lame side. I will play the bonus the game, but not sorry to see the main game end.
Story: The killer had to kill 6 women in order to save his beloved wife. Now when you find out who the the wife is and see that one cutscene, now you know how I figured it out in the middle of chapter 2.
Graphics: They were good. And could tell what they were in the H0S's.
Music: It was good. It fit with the game.
Mini Games: I will say the final one first and here is why. It is a repeat the sequence (Simon Says) one. I am so tired of the one I truly hate it. Come on devs with new mini games. And the sequence gets longer as you go. Usually I copy down the sequence on paper, but this one is kind of hard since they're runes. The other was avoid the lasers. The first part for me was the hardest, the other were fine. Still I hated it. Another was capture the beaver. To me it was frustrating so therefore not my cup of tea. I think all in all through the whole game I like two mini games.
Map: Exclamation point to tell you you have something to do there. Jump map.
Hint Button: Didn't use it for the H0S's, but it worked great outside of the H0S's.
H0S's: Now these were fun. Use items to get items. Find Silhouettes then a list. I enjoyed them.
I'm glad I didn't pay full price for this game, because I played much better SE's. Sorry devs.
I recommend this game if you're bored and want something to play and can get it on sale.
Awesome job by the devs on this one. Absolutely creepy. The VO's are awesome and the one thing that's really cool is the pictures even have VO's which is a first. The collectibles in the game are hearts and morphs. The morphs only appear in H0S's which I like as it makes it easier to keep track of. The only gadget is an electric device. It glows when you should use it, and when you do use it you need to find the picture in the top right corner of the screen. There's 4 modes. I use Custom.
Story: Your invited to a ball Luisa's honor to raise money to fund for research to find cures for different poisons. When you get there, Jesse believes there are real ghost, while Margie's father thinks there is a logical explanation for everything. Dad's never change. Then as they are debating, Luisa's ghost flies past them and they're still debating is it real or is it Memorex. Then in the next room Jesse gets snagged by these steel arms so you're on the hunt for him. Meanwhile, you and dad end up in a room that appears to be a big clock, and after the puzzle is solved, dad holds the lever while you get out, door shuts behind you and now you have to get dad as well. Also you find and interesting note from the butler about Bertram, wht was his role? (Awesome story and very intriguing. Looking forward to the rest).
Graphics: Beautifully done. Really makes the game nice and spooky and makes you jump more :)
Music: Not overpowering when something happens which I like. The music adds to the ambiance of the game.
H0S: I found two types so far. One: Use an item to get another item, and the list with the extra step words.
Mini Games: Put a mini puzzle together to open a door, put the right items on 3 dresses, put the colored buttons on their matching colored circles, sand put the picture together by sliding the pieces into their correct spots.
Map: It has the exclamation points telling you you have something to do here, it shows where you are and the objectives. It's a jump map.
Hints: Recharge time zero. (which is definitely a first). The hints work really well both in and out of H0S's. Though I don't use them for the H0S since I like to do the achievements.
All in all this is one awesome game! Kudos to the team. I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
104of134voted this as helpful.
Sir Match-a-Lot
Meet an ambitious knight looking for nobility as you conquer extraordinary Match 3 puzzles and complete brave quests!
Yep yep, the wonderful team that bought us Royal Detective: Legend of the Golem and Mystery Trackers: Paxton Creek Avenger, presents us with a wonderful F2P match 3. Normally I loathe both match 3 and F2P's, but I am really loving this one. This team has been really generous on having you buy the coins since I haven't bought one, (not saying I won't) but...and I've been playing for 4 hours now. The characters are really adorable and the game play is downright fun.
Game Play: In this match 3 you have goals you must reach in order to go to the next level. But there is a slight catch. You only have so many moves you can reach that goal. But the number of moves are quite generous. If you run out of moves, the game will bring up what is called a crazy wheel. It looks like a silly slot machine. You use your coins that you made in your matching to spin the wheel. You either get hearts (for a life), coins, or extra moves for the matching part. Me, I got moves for the matching part every time. I don't know if you get those automatically or not.
Also for the matching part be sure to read the help page. There's special moves that have great bonuses for exploding the elements.
Collecting fireflies: Collect them to de-curse buildings which when the building is de-cursed opens up new levels.
Collect Seeds: Collecting seeds builds mines. These mines produce more fireflies.
Rescue heroes and also get rewards. Collect special items for the heroes and get special rewards.
Also on the left you will see a timer counting down. Once this counter counts down, click on it. It will take you to another place to fight a monster one on one. Beat the monster and you get coins and stickers. Stickers go into a special album to get fireflies with a special ability. The specific fireflies with a special ability move into a what is called a Flat. It's that round building that's on top of your screen which kind of looks like a tree. You get these fireflies at certain levels.
That's pretty much it. It's a F2P so give it a go if you like. I am truly enjoying it. I have 3 H0GS I can play and I'm playing this match 3. The pachyderm team surely gave me one for the books. :)
Kudos to the team for a job well done! I highly recommend this game.
As an agent of the Alliance, you’ve been given a mission to destroy an ancient artifact known as the Spear of Destiny. In the wrong hands, it could help conquer the world.
I could tell almost right off that this team put their heart, soul, and love into this game. This game is an infinite star one. I myself never use the tutorials, but I did put the 'Special Tutorial' one on this one and glad I did. This is how I found out there's collectibles in the game. This game to me is every bit CE worthy, and not just saying that because this is one of my fave teams. I'm basing this fact on Mystery Trackers: The Void. The VO's are exceptionally done to where you don't even need the subtitles. There is 4 modes of game play, Casual, Advanced, Expert, and Custom. Two hint buttons. One specifically for the H0GS, and one for outside the H0GS, and each with their own timer. H0G timer goes down to 5 seconds and the outside one 10 seconds.
Story: You play as the female agent Agent Walker. When you arrive at the scene, you are somewhat greeted my your ally Clarke. After you open the doors to the 'temple', you manage to get your hands on the Spear of Destiny. But that's short lived when the enemy comes and bumps off your ally Clarke and pushes you down a hole with moving spike walls. And so you have to get yourself out of this pickle and find the Spear of Destiny. One dangerous mission.
Graphics: Gorgeous! So lifelike. I just look at them a bit before continuing on. I loved that plane at the beginning lol.
Music: Not overly done at all. Perfect for the game. Even in the intense part the music doesn't boom out of speakers to where you have to turn you speakers down.
H0GS: Played one so far where you have to find the items on the list to collect little spheres to get the Spear. Not H0G heavy in the least. But the H0GS seem like they will be really fun in this game as this one was.
Mini Games: One is you have to match the runes in order to open the temple doors, one is you have to move the switches which move the mirrors to the rose to light up the room, and the one I'm on now you have to click on the right spikes to climb yourself out of the room they pushed you down into.
Map: The map is the little spinning white globe with the green oceans on it next to the diary. It has the exclamation point indicators to tell you you have something to do their. It's also a jump map.
Again, superior job on this game. A big Kudos to all of you. Thank you for a really fun and wonderful game. I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
34of60voted this as helpful.
Hidden Expedition: The Fountain of Youth Collector's Edition
There’s more to this restoration project than meets the eye.
This team put out another blockbuster. I love, love, love this series. This team did a superior job on this game. The story makes you want to see what happens, the VO's are awesome, the cutscenes are high quality, and this time Sam stays awake and doesn't get knocked out. There aren't no animal helpers (even though I love them), and no gadgets. To me this is a must play if you want a good game to sink your teeth into.
Story: This time you and your H.E.L.P. agent are on a mission to get your co-workers back. Magellan's team kidnapped them. Sam calls you and tells you to find out what exactly is going on while he sends a chopper to rescue the other team members. Aturnin's guys are in search of the fountain of youth and are trying to stop the H.E.L.P. agents from getting in the way. We have to see if we can uncover it first. This Dana Creed (who used to be a H.E.L.P. agent gone rogue), is heading the operation. At the end of the demo we leave our Agent in some sort of temple buried under sand only with a hand and arm sticking out.
Graphics: Really gorgeous. I would just stop every now and then and just look at the view.
Mini Games: Nice variety made for this game. I really enjoyed playing them.
HOG's: Frags, list and some other varieties, really fun.
Map: It shows you the indicators and what to do next as well as being a jump map. When you press on the place you want to go, look to the right and click the circle.
All in all a very very fun game. Kudos to the team for a job well done. I highly recommend this game. Sue
I recommend this game!
33of86voted this as helpful.
Sable Maze: Soul Catcher Collector's Edition
After 20 years, you're ready to make peace with your brother's disappearance. But the spirit world has other plans for you... Welcome to the other side!
I want to wish this team a very Happy New Year with much success and all the kibbles Mr. Jenkins can eat, (or fish). :) Boy, this team has been really busy. Last week Ominous Objects and now this week Sable Maze, which by the way is spookier than all get out. As soon as I started playing the game, the creepiness set in. The VO's are awesome. They fit the characters very well. The cutscenes in the game are amazing. I'm truly loving this game. To me it deserves more than 5 stars. So far I seen puzzle pieces as collectibles.
Story: It's been 20 years since your brother went missing and you realize that he is gone for good. He keeps coming to you in your dreams as if he has something very important to tell you. Not only do you go back to Sullivan River to see what he needs to say, but also to have a memorial for the children that went missing that day. When you arrive, a lady asks if you can set up the memorial site, and after that is done, you're pulled into the maze. Everything around you looks the same, but everyone has vanished. It's like everything went from color to black and white and very drab looking. And so now it's time to continue on with your journey and seek out your brother.
Mini Games: From memory lol. They are fun. One was a put the skeleton heads in the right place to make the correct image, another was to put the round color pegs into the same color holes, another was to jump the roses until one was left, the other was turn the tiles until the image is correct, and the other was when you cross the river you have to put a rune together to ward off the evil spirits so you make it safely across. Really nice variety.
H0GS: I only played two so far. One was find 5 of one object and 5 of another and then find what's on the list, and the other was use one object to get another. I love these type of H0GS.
Music: Really good music. The crescendos of the music were where they should be. The music worked perfect with this game and added to the creep factor.
Map: As you open it you see the guide right there and what each icon means. It's a jump map.
I want to say again that this team rocks! Kudos to them on another job well done. I am truly looking forward to continuing on with the game. I highly recommend this game! Sue
The mountain town of Glockenverk is in the grip of a dramatic and deadly cold spell. Set out with your trusty feline friend, Mr. Jenkins, to crack the case!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you guys. :) Well, here comes my most favorite team and my fave cat Mr. Jenkins, meow! (Off course my other is my cat Casper, and if he could read and I didn't say this, I'd be going in a body bag). Anyhoo, I was so waiting for this game to come out when I beta'd it. This is by far my most fave series. The story is always superb, the VO's are fantastic, and in this one Mr. Jenkins wants payment for his work. You have to feed Mr. Jenkins fish before he does a task. And those big sad kitty eyes when he's hungry always got to me. I just wanted to hug him and get him his fish. But you do have to say he is a shrewd business cat and wants payment for his work. Special gadget is a watch that you have to do a mini game to get the animals back to normal.
Story: Leia and Mr. Jenkins are traveling in a horse and buggy when suddenly a possessed bear frightened the horse and causes the buggy to wreck making poor Mr. Jenkins go flying. After you gather your wits about you, a girl comes and snags the watch to turn the bear back into a normal one, and then she runs off with your watch. You try to stop her but it's no use. It seems like every time you have to fix something that has to do with time, an blue icy comes out of the clocks and possesses the animals. Between you and Kate you're trying to figure how to put a stop to all this and get things back to normal. Very interesting story and I look forward to finding out what is going on.
H0GS: So far I came matching pairs, things that have to do with time, and a list. These are really fun and I enjoy playing them.
Mini games: Guess the wait, put matching symbols back together on a big cog, climb the wall by memorizing symbols, and put the correct keys on their silhouettes.
Map: The indicators tell you what to do and it's a jump map.
This game to me is infinite stars. Kudos to a job very very well done. I highly recommend this game. Sue
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Ominous Objects: Phantom Reflection
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This team did it again, and to me 5 stars is not enough. I think this is the best Phantasmat they have put out. Very very spooky. The VO's are done superbly and couldn't have fit the characters any better. There isn't no special items to use and the collectibles are rocking horses and morphs that are the characters of the game.
Story: You get an invite from your relative Patrick Ward to attend a family reunion. As you arrive, you get a message on your cell to let yourself in (of course after he tells you not to be late) and so we have to find a way in. When we finally get into the mansion and the reception room, you meet 4 other members of your family. They gave me the willies right from the start. They introduce themselves, and then Abigail tells you to get the guestbook. When you come back, Abigail offers you a cup of tea and Patrick knocks it out of her hand. Then you make your way into the library and two others members say they want to have fun to, not let Abigail have it all. Something is very wrong when you finda letter saying Abigail one an award for her flower in 1894 when you have a cell. I got to finish this story. It's awesome.
Graphics: Gorgeous. I've been creeped out because of them and the game since I started.
Music: Nicely done. Just adds to everything else going on.
Mini games: One was press the triangles in the right order, then put the butterflies in their proper place and then do the math equations to get the right code, Play the piano right to get a code, a bell puzzle and a gargoyle puzzle. Very nice variety. Really fun.
H0GS: I believe the first was a list, then find 5 alarm clocks and 5 balls to do the list, and the third was find 5 morphing objects and after the items of the pictures. Very nice variety there too. Fun playing.
Map: Question mark-objective, Exclamation Point-something to do, Gold Hexagon-current location and a Red Hexagon-blocked. And it's a jump map.
Again, kudos to this team. Well beyond 5 stars. I highly recommend this game. Sue