An evil God has destroyed Athens and taken the Goddess Athena's powers. Help her defeat him and rebuild the city!
This game was amazing! I had played and loved the first 2 games in the series, but this was next level! It's the same satisfying chain breaking game interspersed with hidden object scenes and helpers from the Gods, but what impressed me were the constant attacks on the city. Wind, rain, fire, mermaids, birds, black name it! The God responsible for all this will be revealed at the end.
Once you beat the game, you have a chance to build your own palace as a reward. As other reviewers have mentioned, this is a toughie and I was unable to build it up all the way.
Your husband was kidnapped in the first game...will he come home to you in this finale?
This game closely followed the pattern of the first. Search for hidden objects and pieces of a diary so that you can save your husband. You will still be collecting stamps and they've added a black cat! Try to find at least 50 stamps and ALL of the black cats (there's only one per scene and they're easy to find). Then in the end, you can play in timed-mode and go back to collect the stamps you may have missed.
Having played the previous games, I'm familiar with the mishmash of fun puzzles and games from our pal Joe. My favorite games have always been the box quotes, though...and there are 75 new ones on here!
There are 25 clever quotes each from the world of theater, literature and music. I played a few of the other games in order to earn hints and those quickly piled up. I finished all the quotes with over 800 hints left. You can play them all or just pick out your favorites. There's something for everybody!
Check monsters into your hotel and keep them happy!
As another reviewer stated, the mouse will not work with newer computers. Like them, I was able to use my touch screen, but lost interest quickly because I prefer to use my mouse. If you have an older computer (this game is from 2011) or don't mind using touch screens, it's a cute and challenging game that will keep you on your toes!
Having played the first 2 in this series, I was delighted at the improvements in this one. The best yet was the resources regenerated this time around (animals, mushrooms, eggs, etc.). I also liked being able to reach my campsite at the click of a button and having my potions and cooking and blacksmith all in one area. You were able to make 7 different meals and potions and weapons this time! This was a big world and a lot of people to help, so settle in for nice, long game. Once you've "beaten" the game, there are additional requests for help from a few people that you can do. There are also 57 achievements and I was able to complete all those quite easily.
Special note to the older or visually impaired folks: Use reading glasses for this one! The items hidden around the kingdom will still be hard to see. You don't want to miss any of those mushrooms!
Your husband is missing and you're being sent letters from the great beyond! Note: This is part one of two, it won't conclude until the second game.
I rather enjoyed this considering it was released in 2010. I do highly suggest some strong reading glasses if you're up in years like me, because the items are pretty small. I enjoyed the unusual story line and the stamp collection rewards. The camera, thermometer and palette were also fun helpers. You can play until the end and if you've found enough stamps (50), you can play beat the clock in timed mode for more rewards.
Running Sheep: Tiny Worlds is an engrossing brainteaser with simple controls, vivid graphics, and 250 levels. It’s wonderful entertainment for the whole family!
This is a much better sequel to Running Sheep, in my opinion. No one-eyed monster cubes chasing you, just wolves and gopher holes on a farm. I was able to make it to level 96 before it became to difficult to move on. Unlike the first game, you don't have to have a perfect score to continue on.
My advice...don't bother with perfection. You can ignore the coins and even let all but one of your sheep die and still move on with a green ribbon. You get very few arrows and very little time, so it's best to just get a single sheep in the house and move on.
Like other reviewers, I was excited for a game similar to Sheep's Quest, but then disappointed that this one was so much harder to play.
That being said...
I thought it was fun! It definitely required some deep thought. There are timers, lasers, robots, and eventually a giant cube creature that I just couldn't get past no matter how hard I tried. I was able to play the first 20 levels with 3 stars after I developed a strategy. With the lasers, it's all in the timing. With the robots, you just have to block them in a corner.
Unfortunately, as I said, there was this giant laser cube chasing me that I just couldn't get past. I'm kind of bummed I'll never know what the last 20 levels were like.
Your sister has been kidnapped by pirates! Help the villagers along the way to finding her and you will be richly rewarded!
I love how busy these games keep you! Like the first in the series, there are endless tasks to do on the way to your ultimate goal. Even after the game ended, there were still additional tasks to do (be sure to visit the fishing village and the lonely island as soon as you've completed the game).
My only complaint would be how tiny and well-hidden the items are. I recommend you take breaks in-between to avoid eye strain. There were a few items I simply couldn't find and had to refer to old forums for help. I was able to complete the majority of achievements.
You and a couple of your friends are trapped in one another's scary story! See how all 3 tales unfold and who will survive!
Having played the entire Maze series, I knew what to expect and was not disappointed! I enjoyed the puzzles, the hidden object scenes, and the 3 separate stories and characters. The ending was a bit dark, but this is what we've come to expect (and enjoy) from these games. It's been 3 years now and I would love to see the next chapter in the Maze series!