The H/O scenes were still lower definition, but better than the first one. I'm terrible at hangman, but can understand others loving this type of challenge
It's nice to have series like these that require some thinking and challenges. But I really wish their tiles were more appealing, less dark and dreary. Only other complaint is frequent need to keep repeating moves to clear just one blocker.. sometimes takes moving tiles around so many times to break only a single barrier out of many that it's annoying.
BUT, in spite of all that, I do appreciate their creativity..
I thought the card faces were nice, BUT when you have NO OPTION but to click on LOTS of DECK cards to make a match for ANY board cards, that is not fun. Any Solitiare should allow a competent/creative player to win every round with skill and the ability to buy reasonably priced powerups.
But, except for the first level, the POWER-UPS ridiculously cost a fortune for each one.
If, as other reviewers say, the deck reduces the number of cards as you play more rounds, the game play would just end up really annoying and not fun.
On the PLUS SIDE, the graphics are nice and clear, objects findable without being hidden or disguised so much it's hard to recognize at all.
On NEGATIVES: Odd that the ANIMALS are FEWER than the OTHER objects. Does NOT SAY HOW MANY TOTAL LEVELS there are, including the bonus ones – and cannot even scroll through to count as all non-played locked. No magnifying ability, though the first few scenes really didn't need one.
So I would have bought if at discount, but already paid full price for the Suricate Christmas Match 3 because BF would not recognize my “active” subscription, so not worth it.
CUTE CHRISTMASY, HIGH DEF TILES, and ALWAYS FUN, CHALLENGING PLAY. Suricate is the ONLY Game developer I instantly buy their new games.
BUT, I CONTINUALLY HAVE PROBLEMS trying to buy Big Fish Games. Their Game Manager will NOT work, and now BF is trying to charge full non-member price even though I am currently a paid, active member, clearly shown. At some point, I'll just give up
My "choose options" screen so light that my choices clicked on did not look any different than the others (though they DID end up being correct when I did the puzzle.
I could not find any "Select BORDER ONLY" options to start out with, which I like and most have.
I checked the categories and only found 1/3 of so that were to MY taste. But other reviewers seem to love most.
I wish this had option to make MY PERSONAL photos downloadable to create my personalized puzzle, but they don't advertise that so can't expect it.
A 10 for the Lovely boards and colors. But I also got annoyed at having to skip the NUMEROUS, VERY SLOW appearing text/story lines that I had to repeatedly skip. It really needs to move the text to just a couple of screens with more text, or let us have the option to "skip" the story text.
That, plus the marble games parts were too numerous and repetitive for me. Got really old fast doing the exact same matching as the marbles moved around.
If you're played any of their "Runes" games, then you are familiar with the general game play. This has nice Christmasy tiles and decorating the tree and gift table is kinda cute, so I am enjoying this.
But I did find a few glitches - or maybe I'm missing something. Several of my MANUAL 3+ tile matches did NOT clear those. I know the "AUTOMATIC" matches don't clear the tiles, but these were manual.
Again, Activating my purchase was a real pain with BF GM, having to "activate" several times before it "took". So annoying.