I cannot do games w/ moving backgrounds (vertigo issues). This has a "dough machine" that constantly spins, as well as clouds moving by. I only lasted about 2 mins. I wish developers would not add unnecessary movement like that to games, or at least offer the option to turn them off.
It could be a good game other than that, but I couldn't stick around to find out.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Despite the poor reviews when this came out, I bought it (the regular version) and although at the time, it didn't draw me in so I only got part way through and put it aside for a few years.....I just now finally finished the game and I have to say it was a lot of fun.
It's the last of the MCF games that has that eerie, 'abandoned' feel that we all loved before they were given to other developers. I also really love the live acting and think Leah Thompson was great playing it up hammy. For ppl complaining..don't you get it that she played it that way on purpose???
There were a few things I didn't care for but managed to tolerate. The moving picture puzzle things were horrendous and I waited for the skip on each of them. Pieces too hard to manipulate and it made me dizzy!
I don't like the circular pop-up inventory thing. Annoyingly hard to use and always in the way.
Looking for those little pictures to match was kind of difficult but since I played the game at different times instead of all at once, I enjoyed it.
The hidden objects were really really small but since no penalty, I just clicked on stuff.
I didn't mind all the constant going back and forth using the map. But, at the end, my guide book would no longer open to the final relic page (showing the necessary info to finish the puzzle). Luckily I found it in the walkthrough blog and it worked. Not sure why my book was suddenly stuck on an earlier page. A bug I think, probably caused by my doing something out of sequence.
Anyway, if you like Dire Grove and 13th Skull (both of which I love) you should like this one.
Enjoy it, because it truly is the LAST of the MCF games that feels like a MCF, even if it does have some not-so-great features.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
This is brilliant, and even better upon subsequent playings. Don't believe the nay sayers and the prudish. Give it a chance, yes it's different, it's amazingly well done. Not like all the cookie-cutter hidden object games out there nowadays.
I very much like this type of game, and have several. However, after trying two boards in this one, I quit, because the background which is under the grid made it hard for me to tell whether a square was empty or not. I made several mistakes because of this. There is no option to turn off background designs.
Also the game insisted I change my resolution before I play (instead of doing that for me). Not a big deal but wanted to mention it.
Otherwise this is a good game of this type, and I still recommend, but be aware the backgrounds may cause mistakes.
Very similar to Avalon Solitaire and has the one pet-peeve of solitaire games that I absolutely hate--a fixed deck. In other words, you aren't playing each hand w/ a regular deck of 52 different cards. You might get 8 Fours....6 Jacks, etc. in a level. In the original (and best) Fairway Solitaire, I think there were a few too many Jacks, but other than that the deck seemed normal (played that way anyway) but in this game the repeating cards are so obvious as to be distracting (how many fours can I turn over in the play deck while I already have 3 or 4 on the tableau???)
This one has cute graphics and sound effects and I like it, but the fixed deck thing makes it a definite no buy for me. If you don't mind that aspect, and like golf solitaire, this is worthy trying out.
I bought this a long time ago and wish I hadn't because I have never been able to play for longer than about 10 mins. The items are just too darn small. And I'm not a fan of mahjong in any form. This is a different twist on that though which is why I did buy it (I guess!)..there's hidden object scenes (w/ miniscule objects) and lots of rather good mini games, all in the mix. It's very colorful with an oriental theme. But the tiny tiny objects and boring (to me) mahjong play just don't work. Make sure you play on a BIG monitor.
The puppet helper who goes into the lower corner is extremely annoying because he won't sit still. His constant movement is distracting and kept catching my eye. Very annoying and I only played the demo. If I bought the game I'd have to stick a piece of paper over that character cuz it would drive me nuts. The voiceovers are lame so I had the sound turned down. I don't think the graphics were up to Elephant's usual standards.
I did like the story line (as much as I got in the demo) although I"m not one to closely follow stories in games--I'm there for the gameplay not to read a novel.
I didn't buy this, but might as a DD someday. I think there are much better games available.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
I only played the demo. Based on too many negative reviews, I decided not to buy the CE. I will buy the SE, w/ a coupon, or will wait for it to be a DD.
Because I did enjoy what I played. The demo ran out when I got to the first moving puzzle. Other reviewers warned of these, their ability to cause motion sickness (which I'm very prone to) and I could see that would be a problem so I did not even attempt it. I was waiting for it to skip when my time ran out.
Before that, I enjoyed the atmosphere, I liked the campy acting, and the activities were good. I didn't use the SG and I don't think I needed a hint (played in expert mode).
I don't like the inventory wheel because you can't see enough of your things at once. Esp those matching pictures..I don't mind doing that but it would be nice if those could be displayed somewhere besides the inventory wheel/bar so they can be referenced easier. Also why do the finished ones have to go back in the wheel? It just makes for more constant spinning of the thing.
I liked the H0 scenes spanning large areas but I agree that some areas and items were very small.
This game will not play on my old pc w/ Win XP [neither would ESR] so I have to play on my laptop and no way I would attempt w/ my laptop monitor; I plugged in my larger (square) desktop monitor and it was acceptable. Game ran smoothly, no glitches or bugs as far as I got.
To get my gaming on Thanksgiving fix, I have been playing Mystery Trackers Four Aces and that is a stellar game. I do believe I can say w/out reservation that Ele pha nt games have surpassed BF/MCF for sheer customer satisfaction (at least this customer).
Try this MCF before you buy. Read reviews. It just doesn't sound worth the CE price. So I'll say I don't recommend the CE, but do recommend the SE when it comes out.
Although I usually prefer golf solitaire (the ORIGINAL Fairway Solitaire is my favorite), this is one klondike game which is charming and addictive. The cartoon characters who pop up (without animation) say some of the funniest, quaintest things--the conversation is always amusing. You can click to speed it up. I like the way the game chooses which helpers for each level, and the way they interact. (For example, "Monk" allows you to turn 1 card at a time, instead of 3). I particularly like the Dragon levels (using 2 decks instead of 1).
Also there is a daily challenge mode making the game infinitely enjoyable. Most aren't very tough but it varies. Sometimes you have to win x number of games in a row...a recent one I played required 7 wins in a row..took some doing!
Some of the trouble makers such as some of the gremlins, don't really cause any trouble, just like some of the helpers don't really help that much--but others do cause trouble and help! It's fun to see the new characters come onto the scene.
I like the simple sound effects and little musical riffs that accompany wins, etc. (I have full game music turned off, I think; as I always do, so cannot comment on that).
If you like solitaire, give it a chance; it might take getting further into the game to get challenging but once it does, it's quite addicting.