A UFO is rumored to have landed in the small town of Tundel and the mayor is trying to conceal it. Run your own journalistic investigation and learn the truth behind the event!
When I downloaded and opened the game, the dev's name rung a bell but I couldn't remember. Then when I started to play...I realized these guys made Green Moon, one of my favorite games. And this is like that, only MUCH easier to figure out.
My demo hour flew by and I was disappointed when it ended; this is a definite buy. I absolutely love this type of game play (similar to Green Moon ) with the arrows on the sides of the screen to walk around, the mouth icon to talk to people, etc. These developers are from overseas (I forget where, I want to say Russia but I could be wrong) and maybe the reason they have the people doing "non-speak" is so this can be played by anyone anywhere. I think it's brilliant. (Reminds me of "Edison the talking lightbulb" in Brainiversity).
A gazillion tasks to perform, really works the memory cells in the ole brain, that with moving around the town and finding your way, remembering what is where, etc. I enjoy the challenge of this immensely! It's good for you! Try not to rush to a walkthrough or other help..try to figure it out. It's so rewarding when you do!
And the humor, omg, I laughed my head off already over some things..(the guy standing in the water, lol..classic)..and when you step in the doggy mess...well it's all part of the game and there is a very common-sense thing to do ...but I won't spoil it by telling!
Looking forward to playing this for many hours to come.
Kudos to the developers, I love Green Moon and have replayed it numerous times, was waiting and waiting for them to come up with something new and this is great.
I recommend this game!
5of5voted this as helpful.
Stand O'Food
This exhilarating arcade game challenges you to feed a host of hungry patrons before they leave in a huff!
Contrary to what another reviewer said, you can indeed put items back on the conveyor belt..just right click. I've played at least the demo of all three Stand O Food games and IMO this original one is the best. Smoothest gameplay (SOF2 was full of bugs making it virtually unplayable) with simple cartoony graphics and lots of upgrades. You can buy sauces to add to sandwiches and in higher levels the sandwiches get really crazy and huge. There aren't any snacks or sodas in this one, but I actually don't like them (in SOF3) so they aren't missed.
There's no cake or lasagna levels but there are salad levels and I like how the colors change in different levels. Nicely done.
I've completed the game (bought in 2007) a few times so for those who complain that it's too hard or too frantic at later levels, you have to use the plates wisely and pay attention to the placement of the food on the belts..if you do it right you can figure out which belts to take from leaving your options open later. As well, use right click to put things back.
The worst drawback to this game is that I get really hungry for fast food when I play! : )
Soon after I bought, I wish I hadn't bought. Extremely annoying for the following reasons (not necessarily in order):
1. "You can only do that in the movies" any time you use an inventory item where you shouldn't. 2. Same inventory used in wrong place will pop out of your hand, flly up and back into inventory. 3. Very precise placement of inventory items so even if you have it right it will still pop out of your hand, fly up and back to inventory over and over until you get the right pixel. 4. Annoying thunder over and over and over like so many games these days. Enough already!! 5. Nonsensical linearity, stupid things to do for example, pull a ladder down. You have a crowbar or other hooked item in inventory, or rope, but noooo, can't use! Have to wait for correct item! 6. USELESS hints. It will only tell you "My investigation is done here for now" then when it gets to a spot where there's something to do, it goes to it, but even if you do not yet have the inventory to do that thing, so now you are stuck again! 7. Tedious H0 scenes, yes they are interactive but I found much of the interactions rather lame. Nice touch, I just think it could have been done better. 8. Sparkles everywhere.
One of those games where I was enthusiastic at first but quickly grew tired, bored, and wanted it to END.
I'm one of those who gets motion sick easily from games that have unnecessary movement. I'm also one who LOVES pencil puzzles such as are in this game. Unfortunately although this has the latter, it also has the former. I could barely play 3 mins without feeling sick and couldn't quit fast enough, due to a patterned background that moves the entire time you're solving the puzzle. Really??? How is that necessary??? No option to change it or turn it off that I could find.
Otherwise, I couldn't play long enough to comment, except game buttons and interface are very large and in your face. Kids would probably like this as would people who like pencil games. Myself, I'll stick with the pencil and paper variety that don't have swirling nausea-inducing backgrounds.
I don't recommend this game.
73of89voted this as helpful.
Peggle Deluxe
Do you have what it takes to become a Peggle Master? Take your best shot! Ready, aim... bounce!
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I bought this a long time ago because I was hooked after playing the demo. But I quickly lost interest. Over the years I have reinstalled it to try again and every time I do, I lose interest after a few mins. I don't know why but it doesn't grab me, I find the gameplay boring after a short while.
The graphics and sound effects are great and it's a humorous and cute game, very well done for what it is. There's a number of imaginative and useful powerups. But that pot sliding back and forth at the bottom is maddening (I keep trying to control it w/ my mouse!) and the way the focus zooms in and out on the last peg makes me seasick.
It's a unique game (others have followed, but this one started it all) and I'm glad it's out there for those who love it! I myself just don't like the type I guess. Aim the ball, drop it, and watch it bounce around.
Still, I recommend it, but try the demo and play the whole hour first, you might get bored (or maybe not)..!
Wow. Just finished. Can't believe how awesome that was. I rarely buy CEs. This was worth every cent. I played/looked at everything! (This includes wallpapers, bonus video clips, a little "test", etc). I even had the music on while I played which I NEVER do. I liked how it was in "installments" w/ periods of silence inbetween. It didn't get annoying that way.
Others have commented on the graphics and gameplay. Incredible graphics. Simply stunning.
Just the right amount of H0 scenes and puzzles and nothing too hard. I used hints a few times when I wasn't sure what to do next. Did not use or need the strategy guide (I like figuring things out.) A LOT of back and forthing which did get tiring (and I generally like back and forthing) but that's a minor (very minor) issue. I don't use maps even if games have them as I like trying to remember where to go. Good for the brain cells.
Loved the story, the way the music fit the drama, the graphics, everything.
One minor quibble--an option to turn off the falling snow would be good because it (a) can slow down some computers and (b) can be sort of dizzy-inducing for those of us prone to that.
This is a first-class, excellent production in every way. I loved the kindness to animals too. (I do not like games, no matter how "funny" they think they are, that include animal cruelty).
Highest recommendation. In my opinion this rivals any MCF game to date. In fact, it beats them.
When I first tried the demo a while ago I didn't like it. But during a daily deal, I bought it. Just finished after many days of playing in installments.
Very long game! I don't know how many hours I logged. It would have been tedious to play all at once but I enjoyed playing here and there. The story was actually rather interesting and kept me wanting to find the next girl, etc.
Although at first the 2-D graphics seemed rather flat, I actually started to like them. This one doesn't have all the bells & whistles of many new games. There's no moving animation in H0 scenes, for example. But as others have stated, the graphics do evoke the proper feel for the subject.
In some ways this reminded me of Green Moon, one of my favorites. I never used the walkthrough and rarely used the hint system so I spent a lot of time wandering back and forth looking for H0 scenes, etc. That was much of the fun as I like nonlinear games w/ very little hand holding.
For the most part I liked the puzzles and the lack of instructions unless you wanted them. Sometimes I figured out the object myself, other times I'd look at the question mark in the corner. I think I only skipped 1 (maybe 2) puzzles. Overall they were a good mix, interesting, fit in w/ the feel of the game (i.e., made of wood), and not too hard.
The voiceovers were so-so. You can fast-forward through the speech which is good.
There are MANY H0 scenes and you do revisit them. I love games where you have to search around to find which H0 scene has 'reopened' when it's time to find another inventory item. There's much of that here. I did get lost as there's quite a large area to cover but the scenes load seamlessly and quickly so it wasn't a big deal.
The H0 scenes themselves could use some work. Items are quite small, and sort of thrown onto the scene in an odd fashion. Some H0 scenes were quite dark. Also there was a LOT of repeat items (pinecones, irons, bells, for example, had to be found in almost every H0 scene). I had to use hints a few times in the H0 scenes but considering how small (and sometimes dark) the scenes were, I did pretty good. So overall I think the odd "flat" style was still mostly effective.
The ending of the SE was rather abrupt but that's all right.
Overall I'd give it a B+. I'll def. play it again some day. Worth a second look if you didn't like it the first time.
I recommend this game!
50of53voted this as helpful.
Lottso! Deluxe
Bingo gone bonkers? You`ve played Bingo, you`ve played the lottery - now play the winning combo!
Very addicting. Simple concept, a mix of bingo and scratch tickets. You play against computer opponents [that each have names, avatars, etc]. There are power ups you can get to swap cards w/ an opponent, confuse the opponent, etc. I'm surprised how much I like this, it's one where you say, "Ok just ONE more round" and before you know it, another half hour has gone by! Try it, you might be surprised.
One of my all-time favorite games, for it's unique style. Absolutely enchanting and beautiful music (one of the very few games where I keep the music turned on during play and wish I had the soundtrack). Odd characters! Very difficult and confusing game at first--NO HANDHOLDING and you WILL be confused, lol. Normally I never use SGs or walkthroughs but here I had to check the forum/walkthrough a few times. But I loved the challenge!!! Strange and bizarre story that all makes sense at the end, which was very touching and sweet. An immersive experience for the senses and the mind, I loved it and have played more than once.
I loved this one. Very LONG (when you think it's going to be over, it's not, it goes on quite a bit longer...and this is not the CE version). I love amusement-park themed games and this was extremely well done. No, it's not the hardest game out there, and yes there's a lot of backtracking (I don't mind that at all. Yea, you redo the same hidden object scenes more than once (again, I do not mind that at all). But the scenes are so spot-on to how an old-fashioned amusement park would look...the colors and even the music were just right! The imagery and gameplay was fun and engaging. I loved the occasional appearances of the big and small clowns.
The only beef I had is I skipped a lot of the puzzles..which I RARELY do..because there were a lot of "fiddley" types (sliders, etc) which I just plain lose patience with after a while. Sure I know HOW to do it but executing it is annoying so I skipped some.
I didn't find the story "shallow" as has been stated. Yes the ending was a tad abrupt but since the game was quite long (I played in installments and it took several days to finish), I wasn't about to complain at the end. As well, it's left open for a sequel.
IMO this is as good as Dreamland, and you don't have to buy the CE to get a great gaming experience from it.