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Help Jane Lucky solve the riddle of an ancient artifact! Travel the globe in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
Is Jane Really Lucky?
PostedJune 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
I guess it depends what side of the story you're on.
Jane and a group of student archeologists go on a dig when they are set upon by Freedom Fighter terrorists. But, that's only the beginning, because along comes a helicopter with a masked man (really, a silver mask) who kidnaps Sky, head Professor and archeologist. You/Jane then go on a whirlwind tour of the world to find the Professor and find out why he was taken.
Horrible. Too monochromatic in color. Too impossible to find ANYTHING, much less any items in HOGs.
Tuned it out - 'nuf said.
Game Play:
This is an HOG heavy game. They are in every scene. They are everywhere and they seem to be what this game is all about. Somehow all these HOGs fit into what could have been a potentially good story. The HOGs were miserable because they were monochromatic in color and the items were impossible to find. The mini games were too easy. The dialogue was overly long and ridiculous at times.
As mentioned above, monochromatic in color and items too tiny to find in the miasma of hundreds of items to find a very few select ones in. And don't look for the itemized lists, silhouettes or interactive lists. What you get is something similar to a FROG, in that you have a circle of smaller items to retrieve in order to get the larger item (gather tools for the toolbox, then take the toolbox, etc.).
This Glam-ma says it could have been a really great game. Terrorists, Freedom Fighters and Archeology all rolled in one. But, it just lost a lot in the translation. But, as always, please take the time to try it, it is free.
Happy Gaming.
I don't recommend this game.
2of 2voted this as helpful.
Train your brain by sending it to Brainiversity 2! Stimulate all your neurons using different games and earning great trophies.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
41 of 48 found this review helpful
My Brain Was Not Very Impressed
PostedJune 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
I have to say, I was truly expecting a much better put together sequel to the original Brainiversity. However, I was much disappointed.
Ok. You could see colors adequately. You could make out math problems, words, everything just fine.
Sound effects were a bit annoying with all the "springing" type noises.
Game Play:
And herein lies the majority of the problem. This is a game wherein you play a series of games DAILY - understand? ONCE A DAY. Your test results are placed on a daily running chart and you earn "brainy bucks" to spend on other games you can unlock. Unfortunately, those other games cost 100 brainy bucks or more. And since you can only earn brainy bucks once a day, you may have to play for weeks to earn enough brainy bucks to warrant playing a few extra games just for fun.
I get the whole "daily" thing for crossword puzzles, word search games, spot the difference and even suduko. Because with those types of games, you are using a significant amount of time. However, in this version of Brainiversity, your "daily" game quota is over in a matter of a few minutes.
This Glam-ma says go ahead and try it for yourself. I can almost guarantee you will be as unhappy with the format as I am. But it's free. So, why not try it? Not a purchase for me.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
41of 48voted this as helpful.
Embark on a round-the-world cruise of card matching action! Cross vast oceans, see the world and play Solitaire!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
12 of 17 found this review helpful
Around The World ..........................
PostedJune 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
In How Many Hands? Solitaire hands that is.
You are taking a cruise around the world. You are able to disembark at each port and go see the major sites. Enjoy.
Okay. Nothing special. Was interesting when you changed countries (every 6 completed levels) that the card backs were that particular country's flag. Very nice touch.
Again, nice touch that each country you visited was matched with music familiar to that particular country.
Game Play:
Not your typical solitaire game. This is a matching of the pairs game. Not difficult at all. The layouts of the cards were conducive to the sites you would see in the particular country you were docked at. Also, nice touch.
Every country had 6 sites/levels that you had to pass in order to proceed to the next country.
This Glam-ma was not overly amazed by this game. I succeeded at every hand. The music was repetitious and boring, as became the actual game. Not nearly challenging enough for me. I would have expected as the levels reached new heights, so would the difficulty of the game. Not so.
There were no particular bonuses that I noticed. Not even a "wild" card. There are far more interesting and challenging solitaire games on the BF site. You just have to root them out and find them as I have.
This Glam-ma says it's ok to try the game. It's only an hour and it's free. Who knows? It just might be the slow, easy cup of tea you need on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
12of 17voted this as helpful.
Travel back in time with Special Agents Alex and Kat to solve one of the most famous, and heinous, crimes in literary history!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
2 of 3 found this review helpful
A Dostoyevsky book inspired this game.
PostedJune 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Crime and Punishment. All the angles, tangles, crime and mystery you could want in one great game. I was immensely surprised how much I liked this hidden gem of a game.
You and Kat, 2 experienced detectives from the 21st Century go back in time to the 19th Century to investigate a murder.
Poor. Looks very hand-drawn and water-colored - almost by an amateur. Disappointed.
Nice background music. Nothing disruptive at all.
Game Play:
Once you have traveled back in time to the proper place, hours before the commitment of the crime, your investigation begins by going through the alleged criminal's home and belongings. You find clues which lead you to various establishments and speak with characters who require you to complete quests (help in finding items) before being offered something that may, or may not, be a helpful clue. You offer the alleged criminal money but he refuses it. So, why is the Old Woman/Pawnbroker murdered? If not for money, then why? And by whom? Play this mystery game to find out these answers and more.
This game is nothing BUT HOGs. You must find items in every location. In fact, you must go through several lists of items before gaining an inventory item/clue. Unfortunately, the items are tiny and placed around a monochromatic display of hundreds of items. So, very difficult to find.
Mini Games:
Few and far between. Most of the time, the instructions are too vague and you have to figure out how to play the game - but once you do, all the pieces fall together quite nicely.
Not rechargeable. You are given ONE hint per level. Each time you are given an itemized list you have the opportunity to find an axe to obtain an extra hint. Almost impossible (see "Graphics" above). I dislike games of this kind and, as a matter of personal choice, never purchase them.
There is only one mode of difficulty to play. You are armed with a "computer" that contains notes from each level played as well as conclusions drawn. If you find 3 items in each level (a feather, a letter of the alphabet and a candelabra) you will have the opportunity to read a chapter in a "book".
All in all, this Glam-ma was extremely surprised that I enjoyed this game so immensely that my reaction at the end of the free demo was, "NO!". Unfortunately, due to 2 pet peeves I won't purchase the game. One - having to earn extra hints, and Two - HOGs that are so dark, dreary and over compensated with items (hundreds) that it is virtually impossible to find the items on your list.
However, because this is such a surprising gem of a mystery game, this Glam-ma kindly requests that you at least give the free trial a try. It's an hour and it's free. Who know? Maybe the intrigue, mystery, suspense and storyline will overbear my 2 pet peeves.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
2of 3voted this as helpful.
The rat catcher's after more than rats this time. He's kidnapping fairy folk!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
41 of 51 found this review helpful
Myths and Magic and Faeiries and Elves and ........ FIENDS!
PostedJune 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
OH MY! This game has it ALL!
Your grandfather has passed away .... and left behind some incredible secrets. Orna, the fairy, has come to your grandfather's study but found you instead. She pleads for your help. Someone is stealing all the fairies in the forest. We know it is the witch Rita. She wants to use the fairy magic so King Oberon can pass through the portal and take over mankind. King Oberon has been on a literal warpath since losing Nature's Heart. And now, all fairy folk, including elves, leprechauns and pixies are in hiding for their very lives. YOU have to help them!
Exactly what you've come to expect from this Developer - magnificent colors, life-like creatures, magical fairy folk and sparkling gold.
The haunting opening scene music had me hooked - hooked, I tell you, in the first few moments of hearing the music, I knew this game HAD to be purchased. Throughout the game, the background music is lilting, beautiful, non-disruptive. Voices are spot on for the venue. Even the pig's voice seems so real. Lip syncing and moving facial features - love that in a game. It represents the continuity I look for.
Game Play:
This game has it ALL - so how do I even begin? You meet various characters along the way to finding out exactly WHAT is going on? What was your grandfather involved in? Was he the King of Thieves? Is Yorick, the Savior, also your grandfather? How can YOU help the fairy folk? So many questions and all to be answered during the course of the game. Almost every character you meet requires you to perform a quest - find something, help with something, but always something (because obviously, nothing in life is free). But you muster on.
The first HOG I encountered explained I had a choice of a bubbleshooter game or the itemized list. I just HAD to try the bubbleshooter game. It took a bit for me to get the hang of it. I've played them before, but every game has it's own nuances. I still prefer playing the HOGs, which were extremely interactive but not at all difficult.
Mini Games:
Games within games within games. So much fun! Fresh, innovative and definitely thought provoking. None too easy and most on the edge of being difficult. But, if you thing it through I believe you can surpass them all.
There are 4 levels of difficulty (gotta love the names - Scribe, Archivist, Chronicler and Custom mode). I like to play the Custom mode during Demos so I can turn the dial down on hint recharge and mini game skip times. The faster to get back to game play. A tutorial and what fun - the Monocle of True Vision which shows where there are things kept hidden from human sight - when it glows, there is more than meets the eye.
There is also the typical fare this Developer is known for providing: A journal with a task list, a jumpable map which shows areas with an objective, plus items and more. Even the hint button occasionally will transport you to an area where something is needed to be done.
CE Bling:
Strategy Guide (I didn't use)
Bonus Game
Achievements - 17
Making Of (?)
Games (locked)
HOPs (locked)
Wallpapers - 8
Pictures - 8
Music tracks - (unavailable in the demo)
Movies - 24
Tatiana's Crown (locked until Bonus Game completed)
Find 36 fairy shoes (1 in each scene)
As I love all things fairy and folklore, I knew at the sound of the hauntingly beautiful music as the dot of light (a pixie? a fairy?) traveling through the forest that this game would have me hooked. It didn't take long into the game play for me to want to purchase it.
This Glam-ma HIGHLY recommends everyone should at least try the demo. It's an amazingly 90 minutes long and free. I'd be very surprised if at least one character didn't pull you into the story. This Glam-ma loved it, is purchasing it today and recommends it for every level of gamer.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
41of 51voted this as helpful.
Keep your brain on its toes with daily mental exercises covering different subjects. Stimulate your brain with Brainiversity!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 6 found this review helpful
How Is Your Brain Power Today?
PostedJune 7, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
Very well done. Especially when you had distinguish rows from columns and one color from another.
Sorry, tuned it out.
Game Play:
This is an interesting game in that there are 4 different levels you can choose to "practice", such as Math, Memorize, Analysis and Sort. You can also do a Daily Challenge whereby random tests are given. They are by no means easy.
There is an electric light bulb as your "tutor" throughout the game, however he does speak as much as just makes noises.
This Glam-ma would definitely rate this for the more experts in the gaming world. I enjoyed the game but uninstalled it after 25 minutes because there were only 4 "tests" to take and they became so repetitious they bored me.
Glam-ma still thinks you should try the demo - it's free - it's only an hour. YOU may have the brain power to beat Brainiversity.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
5of 6voted this as helpful.
Become an editor of City Style magazine in this challenging Hidden Object game! Use your keen eye for fashion to succeed.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
34 of 38 found this review helpful
New Assistant to Editor-In-Chief ----- Here I Am!
PostedJune 7, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
You are going to the most infamous magazine of fashion there is. Trendy, with-it, City Style Magazine, to interview for the job of Assistant to the Editor-in Chief. But will you EVER get to the actual interview? Hah - play and find out. lol.
Considering the game style, I would say the graphics are in sync with the game. Although sometimes it is very difficult to spot an item.
The only sound, besides side effects, was the background music which was very upbeat and trendy. Definitely something I'd want to hear in a stressful environment.
Game Play:
Here I was majorly surprised. I expected a kind of little girl's dress up game. But this was not like that at all. This game is HOG heavy. As you are trying to into the interview, you end up performing a LOT of style-type quests for characters you meet throughout the game. For instance, find 20 pairs of boots. Also, itemized printed lists of items and silhouettes of items. Most are not difficult but some can be.
This game is all about HOGs and an occasional mini game (which I did not find difficult at all, although some brain power is needed).
This Glam-ma did not expect this type of game, nor did I expect to like it but it was quite fun. I would not recommend this for little girls but tweens to teens would have a good time with it. It's not the type of thing I would purchase but I would DEFINITELY encourage everyone to try the free demo - it's free - it's only an hour of your time.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
34of 38voted this as helpful.
 Finding Doggy
Finding Doggy
Create matches to help Doggy find his way back to the farm, the only home he knows and loves.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
18 of 21 found this review helpful
Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
PostedJune 7, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
I like Match 3 games (M3) but I generally dislike the games that are not "swap" but "make a trail" of 3 or more. I was genuinely surprised at how much I loved this one. Could it be because I just got my own little doggy puppy last week? Awwww - I have a soft spot in my heart.
Old Man Johnson took his truck out every day and passed the Old Woman's house each time. On this particular day, however, Old Man Johnson stopped at the Old Woman's Gate and the 2 began a long conversation. The Old Woman's Little Doggy saw a magpie and they started to play. As the magpie flew and soared away in the sky, Little Doggy followed. Then, BOOM, Little Doggy fell off the the top of the house (?) and into Old Man Johnson's truck - knocked unconscious. Then, Old Man Johnson drove off away from the Old Woman's house. Magpie was so upset she tried and tried to wake Little Doggy up. He was her friend and she didn't leave him alone but flew along cawing and cawing until she dropped into the truck with Little Doggy from exhaustion. The truck went CRASH, hitting a big bump in the road and Little Doggy flew out (with the box he was in) of the truck and into the middle of the road. He looked around and around and knew only one thing - he was far, far away from home. Now, you have to help Little Doggy find his way home so he and the Old Woman can be happy again, because she is very upset and calling and calling for him.
For the type of game this is the graphics are extremely well done. Even the cartoon images showing us the storyline are done extremely well - not leaving out any detail whatsoever. It was a sheer pleasure to read along.
I LOVED the background music. It is extremely relaxing and has a nice lilt to it. Very enjoyable to listen to.
Game Play:
You have to find the secret path hidden beneath the game pieces on the board by tracing a path of 3 or more like items. You can earn many power ups and "friends" along the way with special powers to help Little Doggy find his way home. The path leads from Little Doggy to a doorway. Once you find the hidden path to the doorway, the level is completed.
This Glam-ma did not expect to even like this game. However, much to my surprise, I absolutely LOVED it. I felt such a sense of relief and accomplishment every time I helped Little Doggy find the door along the hidden path. It could be because I just rescued a little 6 week old puppy (Freya) or I just am a natural born softie. In either case, this Glam-ma HIGHLY recommends you try this little gem of a game. It's free - it's an hour - and it's sure to tug at your little bitty heartstrings - lol. DEFINITELY a buy for this Glam-ma - hope it is for you as well.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
18of 21voted this as helpful.
Defeat dastardly villains, survive the Fire Swamp, and concoct miracle remedies in this classic take on the hit movie.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
13 of 18 found this review helpful
Quest Upon Quest Upon Quest Upon................Quest.
PostedJune 6, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
I didn't see the movie, so maybe my opinion of this game is a bit skewed.
The best I can figure out - you are "boy" (I hated her calling him that with a passion) and the Princess gives you quests to fulfill to earn her heart.
Cartoonish - but it's MEANT to be. So, that was actually pretty cute. Especially when the chickens get fat and the fox comes slinking in. Rabbits drove me crazy - lol.
I loved, loved, loved - did I mention I LOVED? - the song at the opening of the game. I actually stopped after quitting the game and just listened to it. It's even difficult to tell it's on a loop unless you listen to it for a while. But, even that doesn't matter - it's that beautiful.
Game Play:
You are "boy". (I HATE hearing the character called that - I don't care if it's a game.) And the Princess gives you quests to fulfill, that get progressively harder as the game levels up. She never "speaks" the quests, THAT you have to read. All you hear her say is "boy". (ARGH - did I mention how much that gets my goat?) So, off you go to fulfill her dreams. For instance, water the carrots so they will grow and collect them to deliver to the Princess before the bunnies eat them all (and put the bunnies in the correct caged area - denoted by color). Or, feed the chickens and put them in their nests so they can lay eggs for you to collect and deliver to the Princess. And don't forget to stitch the grain bags and keep the sly fox away from the chickens. All while being timed. If you don't complete the day's chores before the time is up, you have to replay the level.
This Glam-ma didn't play much of the game. You need to have a lot of dexterity in your hand (which I don't due to an accident) and coordination because it DOES get harder very quickly as you continue through the levels. There were aspects of the game I personally disliked and therefore wouldn't purchase it - but Glam-ma says please do try the free trial. It's only an hour and it's free and you may enjoy it thoroughly. Especially if you've seen the movie (as I'm led to believe).
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
13of 18voted this as helpful.
Solve the puzzles of an old pirate and find the treasure! Challenge yourself by adjusting the game mode and puzzle pieces.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
24 of 29 found this review helpful
Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of..................What?
PostedJune 4, 2014
Customer avatar
fromBelton MO
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
It is advertised and and inferred that this jigsaw puzzle game is all about a pirate's treasure. What pirate, I ask. National Geographic's Coffee Table Book of Pleasant Photography? (No book exists - it's an analogy).
None - would have been better if it had one. At least then it would have SOMETHING to offer.
Here, I have to admit, the devs did come up with more than their usual drivel offered. You CAN make the pieces change shape - ever so subtly. You can, I believe, change the NUMBER of pieces of each puzzle - up to and over 250 pieces. The colors are indeed bright and colorful. What you CANNOT due, as hard as you, try is to make this game fun.
Game Play:
Change the way the puzzle pieces look - change the number of pieces - no save feature for your finished masterpiece. Oh bother. What masterpiece? You go through this devs typical "box" of pictures. There are, I believe, 4 boxes, each containing 3 pages of pictures. Pirate pictures? Frigates? Sloops and Barges? Treasure Chests and bounty galore? No. The boxes contain no rhyme or reason how they are put together. They also do not depict ANYTHING remotely Pirate related. Is this, then, false advertising? LEGAAL!!!!!!
As you can plainly see, this Glam-ma was highly unimpressed with this devs latest BOX of unimpressive pictorials. If it says "Caribbean Jigsaw" with a Pirate's Chest pictured and alludes to pirates in the description, I expect PIRATE related pictures. Not the Carnival cruise line and sea life. Ok. the sea life was cool - but KRAKENS and SEA MONSTERS would have been better.
This Glam-ma is still going to ask that you please play the demo - it's free - it's an hour. But. put your "shiver me timbers" expectations away. There is a MUCH better jigsaw game on the BF game site. But, like me, you will have to play 3 million gazillion jigsaw games to find it (ok, there aren't really that many on here - it's an exaggeration). And I am only going to recommend it for people who might actually enjoy having the wool pulled over their eyes.
The review of this game is based on this Glam-ma's opinion - and only mine. Therefore, if you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. There is also a "no" button. Seriously? You'd give your Glam-ma a "no"? Kidding.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
24of 29voted this as helpful.
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