Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
What happens when you take Dig Dug and a Match Three game and put them together? You get Spelunking: The Mine Match! There are so many places within each cave to explore, just don't get lost. Your map is your lifeline. Keep an eye on it constantly or you'll be digging forever! Find gems (and sell them at the store for cash), treasure chests, Grandpa's lost items and other items that help you along the way. Buy keys (which you will need to continue) and power ups. One thing I found is that although you are able to make bombs easily as you dig, it's better if you don't explode them unless you need them. Leave some encase you have to return to an area (which happens a lot!). They are nice to speed up your exit. There is a mini game within the caves where you have to eliminate all the pieces within a limited amount of moves. If you get frustrated, you can always leave the mini game. I chose to play the untimed game because you don't have to constantly be looking at your lantern (light) level. I found this game to be one that I wouldn't want to sit and play for hours and hours at one time. It's one that I like to revisit to get my blood pumping and my brain juiced. A fun, challenging and sometimes frustrating game that I think you will like. As always, please check out the demo first and decide for yourself. I'm off to play some more!
I played the demo and was hooked from the start. Had to have the full game! This one has a little bit of everything: mystery, magic, insanity, love, sadness... everything you would want from a good storyline. I really felt empathy for the "villain" as any mother would (even though I'm not a mother, unless you count my cat!). I was leery of the small number of chapters, but I assure you that this is a fairly long game. Even the bonus has a decent length. Beautiful graphics that aren't glaringly purple or pink. I loved the character accents! They set the tone of the entire game. Although I like Nathanel, he wasn't really even necessary to the story. Anyone who would have wandered into this scenario would have sufficed, but he's the star of the series and it's always fun to use his magic tattoo to battle evil. I did like the use of the YouTuber as a co-star in the game. Nice bit of modernization to the storyline. The collectibles were a little tricky to find, especially all the dragonflies. I believe you can go back (after you finish the bonus game) and find any that you might have missed. The HOPs were all different styles but there were repeat scenes. The puzzles were between easy and moderate in difficulty. The flow of the game was very good without too much back-and-forth movement or finding things like keys over and over again. Of course, there was the obligational lemon juice on rust and oil on zipper scenes, but at least there wasn't a newspaper until the door to catch a key routine. Overall, this is a wonderful game that should appeal to a variety of players, no matter what skill level. Think of it as a good book with lots of twists and turns. As always, please give the demo a try. I'm sure you will love it!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
FUN, FUN, FUN! Funny and challenging TM game with a quirky Princess and her lady-in-waiting venturing into politics. The graphics are beautifully done and the motion of the characters is very impressive. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because I found the game a bit on the buggy side. Not enough to not buy. This is a great game and well worth buying or using a credit. Give the demo a try!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Others have written about the overall intent of this game, so I won't bother. I can say that the voice overs were annoying, especially the female companion. Very deadpan with no emotion. The color pallet was too much as well. It was hard on my eyes by the time the demo was over. These developers really love purple! Don't get me wrong... I usually love their games, but this one just didn't grab my interest. It was also suggested by others that this was a relatively long game, but those first two chapters went by way too fast for me to believe that. Maybe I just play them too fast. I don't know anymore. Anyway, for what is there, it's not a bad game. I just feel that it's a rehash of the last 100 or so fantasy HOs that have been offered to us. Nothing special. As always, please try the demo and make up your own mind. This is a no-buy for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I REALLY wanted to like this game. I love Roman themes and Time Management games, so it seemed like a winner right off the bat. I was wrong. I played the first 10 levels and couldn't take it anymore. Even with two helpers in speed mode, this was the slowest TM I've ever played. There as very little challenge in any of the levels I played (although it probably does get more challenging as you progress). The only reason for the two stars is that the graphics were very nice, large and colorful. As always, please try the demo for yourself. As for me, this is a no-buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I have not played the first game of this series, so I don't know whether anything new was added to this one. At first, I was a little bored. I breezed through 20 levels like greased lightning. I was annoyed by the "after level" power bursts. Why bother when the level has been won? Why bother with money when you need stars to purchase kitchen items? THEN, it all made sense! You need the money to purchase items like hammers, rockets and magnets to help if you get into trouble. You also need money to continue levels that you can't quite finish in time. Others have already posted about the different modes (I chose EASY). The easy mode still wants you to finish a level within a specific amount of moves (which I didn't understand when I chose EASY. I would have chosen the mode that allows endless moves instead). You can't change the mode you choose without restarting the entire game, so choose carefully! I really liked this game overall and will probably use a freebie on it. My only complaints are (as previously mentioned) the bombs going off after the level is over (even though it means more money) and that the scene switches to the kitchen after you finish each level. I'd rather wait until I get enough stars to buy several items at once and just continue the game play. Minor things at best, but annoying to me. Try the demo for yourself. It's worth checking out.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I absolutely love Anna (especially her father!) and the other Agents in their regular series. I've played them all. I LOVED Detectives United #1 and thought what a fantastic idea the developers had! I couldn't wait to play the second installment. Puzzles were fairly easy if you take your time to think them through. The HOPS were an assortment of variations, which I liked. The collectibles were pretty easy to find, although the puzzle pieces can elude you if you aren't careful. I'm glad they finally came out with the next installment, but (as usual), I'm gonna complain about the length of the game. Way too short. This had enough story content to go on for at a minimal of another 1/2 hour. It took me about 2 hours to finish this game (including the bonus contents). Thank goodness for the bonus game! At least it was interesting and (I'm assuming) sets up the next series installment. I would have given this game 5 stars if it had been a 3 hour game. I do recommend the CE because of the bonus game set up, but the rest of the bonus features are a snooze. Please try the demo for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
First off... what a beautiful game! Stunning graphics and dreamy music. The style reminded me of the Dream Chronicles series in many ways. I have to admit that I found the storyline was a little depressing though. This was a challenging game as the items you have to find are very well hidden. There is no dialog and there were a few times when even the hint button wasn't very much help. There were also some puzzles that you couldn't skip. There is no hand-holding and it's up to you to figure out what is needed by clicking around until you find a spot that needs attending. My only complaint is that this was a very short game (hence my 4 star review). The cut screens were long and slow as well. They do move the story along, but they could have been less frequent in my opinion. I also see no real reason for a CE version unless you want to replay the puzzles at the end. I recommend this game because of it's beauty and originality. I hope the developers will grace us with another beautifully crafted game soon. Please give the demo a try.
At least MY mind was blown! This one is a puzzle lovers dream! It's ALL puzzles! Starting with the (rather long) introduction into the world of Doctor Arcana, this was a creepy ride right from the beginning. Some of the door puzzles are easy as long as you take a good look around. Other just left my head aching. Done in the style of an older searching game, the graphics are fairly sharp and clear. I'm more of an HOP player than pure puzzles, so this one is a no-buy for me personally, BUT it's well done, and very challenging. If you love puzzles, this is the game of your dreams. I would recommend trying the demo first and see whether your skills are up to the task.
I played the Sneak Peak of this game (original called Grim Tales: Outcasts) and liked it enough to want to purchase the game when it was released. I am a fan of the Grim Tales series (love the father!) and this one was a little better than the last one. Although some have said this was a short game (and I HATE short games), I did not feel that it was short at all. I have to admit that I'm getting a bit confused by all the family members that this series has introduced. Seems I will have to start replaying some of the older ones to figure out who is who. My only complaint with this one is that I found that the bonus game was full of bugs. I had to quit and restart three times before being able to finish. I also had to skip the Sewing Machine game because I just couldn't get it to work. So much for getting all the achievements! Hopefully they will issue a fix for these problems soon. Do I recommend this game? Yes, IF you like this series. If you are new to the series, I wouldn't bother until you played the others. You wouldn't miss much if you waited until the regular version comes out. The bonus was okay, but not worth the CE price. As always, try the demo for yourself.