I played the entire demo, and it wasn't bad. The object of the game is for you to place objects in the way of attacking fans so they don't get to your rock star. Your weapons are sticky gum, smell bombs, water balloon shooters, money trees, and other silly weapons.
I found that each level was fairly formulaic; I would place down two money trees and then start building my water balloon launcher walls. After that it depended on which characters were in the rows. Slow moving zombie-like fans needed a stronger launcher against them, so I would upgrade those launchers first. I would also toss stink bombs here and there to push groups back.
The storyline is somewhat cute. At different points in the game, you meet the different fans and get to know their backstories. As you unlock different weapons, you get a funny blurb about how they work.
Overall, it's not a bad little game. I would strongly recommend play the demo before buying this game.
I played the entire hour, and it was okay. It is very similar to Rescue Team and Kingdom for a Princess. You are given a set of tasks to accomplish and you progress to the next level when they are completed. If you complete your tasks within the given time frame, you get a gold star.
What makes this game different is the nature theme. You have to build greenhouses and create seeds. You use these to upgrade your campsites.
The rest of the game is the same. I am not a fan of this type of TMG, so I will not be purchasing this game, but if you like builders, you might like this. I strongly recommend you try the demo first to make sure you like this style of game.
This game starts out interesting as the storyline goes, but immediately turns into a 'rescue the person from the ghost' story. I do not like these types of stories (occult themes - boring, done to death). I also did not like the game play, it was so redundant and has been done repeatedly, every day, in every CE game. It is tiresome, and frankly I am bored with it. It was an instant delete after only 10 minutes of play.
The story line seemed jumpy, one moment you were in a hospital trying to break out, then you were hallucinating, then you were dealing with evil ghosts. The story was just in too many places, and lacked the continuity needed to draw me in.
I also found the puzzles too easy, and the tasks needed to progress the story did not fit the story line very well. Overall it was just a confusing and boring mess.
I don't recommend this game.
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Special Enquiry Detail: Engaged to Kill
Help detectives Turino and Lamote investigate the case of the brutal bride murderer.
I bought the first game, so I was hoping the sequel was just as good, and it was. The game has six chapters. The final chapter is a bit small, but still good. The other five chapters are fairly long, so the game is not a quick finish. There is a nice twist in the fifth chapter which surprised me. I like surprises in a mystery game.
You have your typical hidden object scenes, which I thought were fairly thematic. It seemed as if the developers tried to work things into a logical spot. Of course there were a few out there things, but that's to be expected. There were lots of puzzles, with a few of them being a bit confusing. I enjoyed that because it meant a challenge for me.
I do not play with music on, so I can not comment on the music. There are no voice actors, but that did not detract from the game, which is clearly a comic book style game. The graphics were appropriate and followed the style of the game. It was clear that the developers spent more time on the puzzles than worrying about a pretty game with no substance, which is excellent.
The game took me probably 7 or 8 hours to complete. I did not skip puzzles but I used my hints button liberally in the HOS for small objects that I could not find.
I can honestly say that this is the best HOG I have played in a while, and I hope other developers will take note and step up the quality of their games. I will take a comic book style game with substance and challenge over a fancy, 3-D game with nothing to it any day.
I can honestly say I have played this game style at least 20 times in other games. It follows the standard hidden object scenes, find some objects, solve some puzzles game formula. When a game follows this standard formula, the redeeming 'make you want to buy it' quality is the story line. In this game, the story was terrible.
Animals bow to your character asking to be saved, with these contraptions on their heads. Then you zap them to heal them, but only after you have collected enough 'healing power' by picking up blue dolphins and birds. I finished the demo in 45 minutes, if that gives any indication of how easy the game was. It is definitely not for advanced players.
I played the demo through just to complete it, but honestly it was a terrible game. I played the first Empress of the Deep game and enjoyed it very much, but this sequel was a complete disappointment.
I was't wow'd by this game, but it wasn't bad. Basically, you are trying to rescue your grandfather and are traveling through time completing different projects at each place. I actually found some of the puzzles very challenging, as I could not readily determine what needed to be done for all scenes and had to use my hints. Overall, it is not a bad little game. I will not be purchasing it as I prefer to use my dollars for something that really pulls me in, but I have no reason not to recommend it.
The graphics were a mix of cartoon and picture, which seemed unbalanced to me, and the storyline just did not draw me in. I found clicking on the goggles and the amulet distracting from the overall play of the game.
This is a very fun game if you can get past the missing mouse controls. You have to use the keyboard. I am used to using the keyboard so it is not a show stopper for me.
Your character is part of a group of 4 characters that are on a quest to end a civil war. You are asked by the Empress to arrange for the assassination of the Emperor, her husband. Each character has a secret, something in their history, that is compelling and draws the player into the story.
The art is old style RPG/Anime, not the fancy graphics of 3D games, but the straight style of strategy games. In battle, you have the option of a straight weapon attack, using Chi power points, or using special skills. Chi points are earned during battle if your character does damage to the enemy. Special skill points are like health points; your character starts off with a set number that goes up with each increase in level.
In some RPG's your character is automatically assigned new skills as they level up, but in this game, you select the skills your characters will have by spending points that are won after a successful battle. This allows you to control which aspects of your character go up first.
I saved my points and purchased the 'earn points faster' upgrade right away so I could level up my characters earlier in the game.
I certainly hope that I don't discover later that this game was chopped up, but so far that doesn't appear to be the case. I have been playing this game for 5 hours and haven't run into anything off-putting yet, so thus far I am very happy with this new game and recommend it.
If I run into anything off-putting, I will post it in the forums.
Regular RPG'ers will recognize the gaming engine. The base look and feel is common to other RPG games. However, this game has some unique twists that made it stand out.
Rather than try to battle and earn armor, head gear, weapons and accessories, you have to earn points to purchase furniture which gives you bonuses.
You don't level up and learn new spells, you have to find and assemble scrolls to teach them to your character. You also have to keep an eye on the baddies you are fighting because some of them LIKE your weapon and will heal instead of die.
There are mini puzzles weaved into the story, which is also interesting. Right now I am trying to figure out the ultra cube or something like that to get my characters out of an area. I am really enjoying the different challenges in this game.
The mouse function is a bit rough and could use some fine-tuning, but overall it is still an excellent RPG. I bought it and am looking forward to playing it some more over the weekend.