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Return to the De la Fer estate to help the count unravel the curse that has been passed down through his family!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 6 found this review helpful
Great graphics, and great characters
PostedDecember 29, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
This review is based on the trial version, which I wasn't able to finish within the hour I had:
There are 3 gameplay modes.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor
There is voice-over.
HINT button takes about 30 seconds to refill in easy mode, but the SKIP button takes longer than necessary.
There is a journal, but no map.
There is widescreen (for those who can get it#.
The HOS #hidden object scenes) are partly interactive, and were sometimes too messy, and in one scene I got the sun glaring in, which made it harder for me to find the objects.
Graphics were of ERS standard, and characters top notch.
--- --- ---
This is the first time I find an ERS game just routine, nothing to jump off my chair with excitement, and the best thing I can say about the game is that I still enjoy watching and listening to the characters.
I will be buying this game, because I found it interesting enough, but will wait for the SE, mainly because I have almost always been disappointed by ERS' bonus games: short and often irrelevant.
I recommend this game!
3of 6voted this as helpful.
Help Sam rescue his love Anna in Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome, an incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
29 of 42 found this review helpful
Fun but not unique
PostedDecember 25, 2011
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
This review is based on the trial version, which took me 55 minutes.
There is voice-over, which is very well done.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor.
There is an option for widescreen, and for film grain.
There are 2 gameplay modes.
The SG [strategy guide] only showed the first 3 of the 7 chapters [7 chapters plus bonus game].
The graphics were very well done.
The gameplay was somewhat tame and pretty much routine.
I liked the puzzles I encountered in the trial version, and they were all doable.
Both the HINT and SKIP buttons filled quickly.
The HINT button is on the left-hand side, and the journal and map on the right, rather than the other way round as is the case in most games.
The map shows where you are, and what actions need to be done, but you can't use the map to jump to different places.
There is a lot of talk, but you can click on the text to make it stop.
This game didn't throw me off my chair with excitement [I seem to be too spoilt], but it was interesting enough for me to want to buy the SE. However, since the game was on offer in the Christmas sale I bought the CE.
I recommend this game!
29of 42voted this as helpful.
Guide Kate Reed as she solves four mind-bending mysteries that take her to worlds she's never imagined!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
108 of 123 found this review helpful
Great graphics, great gameplay !
PostedDecember 22, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
This review is based on the trial version, which I wasn't able to finish within the hour I had:
There is an option for widescreen, and 2 resolution settings.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor. I used the custom cursor, because the system cursor will add the custom cursor and show both at the same time when there is an active place.
There are 2 play modes.
There is voice-over, and I liked the refined English [or British] accents.
The graphics are very well done.
The HOS [hidden object scenes] are interactive. I have not come across any junk piles in the demo, and graphics here are clear and crisp, and objects are not too hard to find.
Both HINT and SKIP buttons fill very quickly in easy mode.
There is a journal and, after the initial gameplay, there will be a map, which not only shows where you need to do something, but you can use it to jump to different places.
Gameplay is fun and entertaining.
I only encountered 2 puzzles while playing the 1 hour I had, so it seems that there aren't as many puzzles as some HOGs have lately.
There are 35 "Beyond" morphing objects all over the place to find.
I like this kind of game. And I don't mind that many of the things I have to do and find [lots to do in this game] I already did and found in previous games. I am loving this game, and I have bought this CE, especially since it reminded me of ERS' games.
I recommend this game!
108of 123voted this as helpful.
After Sara inherits a home, she discovers that a restless spirit can speak to her! Help her sooth Emily’s soul in Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
140 of 155 found this review helpful
Unique and fun game!
PostedDecember 15, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
This review is based on the trial version, which took me exactly an hour to play:
I think this game, which is from Gogii Games, is very cleverly done.
The graphics, although they could have been better, are acceptable to me. Not too keen on the glaring light scenes in the mirror images, but the HOS (hidden object scenes) in them are very clear and objects are easy to find.
HOS in general, although some of them are a little crowded, are well done, with objects not hard to find.
There is a choice of system and custom cursor, and an option to tick a box for slower computers.
The game did not fill all of my widescreen monitor, but that doesn't bother me, because I am used to it, getting no widescreen with most games.
There is voice-over.
When you are done with an area, a sign comes up at the top, telling you that the "Area is cleared". I like that. Keeps me from sniffing around the ground and corners again and again, in case I may have missed something.
I said this was a cleverly done game, because I like the fact that you can get objects in the past, and then have to hide it, and get it back in the present.
I also like what you have to do with some of the paintings in order to get something done or get an object from the painting itself.
I also like the mini games I have encountered in the trial version - they were different from the norm, and I managed to do them.
HINT and SKIP buttons fill quickly - always a plus.
I also like the SG (strategy guide#. You only get one line of instructions, but when you click on the sideways arrow, more info comes up. And then there are these little squares, which turn into a picture when you click on those.
The instructions on how to use the SG is at the bottom of the SG. Really liked it this way.
One last thing for those fishies who wonder if it only happens to them: When I click "Play" on the GM #game manager), the GM says bye-bye before the game starts, but the GM will reappear once you exit the game.
I will be purchasing this game - I just don't know yet whether I will get the CE or SE, but I will buy this game.
I recommend this game!
140of 155voted this as helpful.
Take on Time Mysteries: The Ancient Spectres, a challenging Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! Stop the evil witch Viviana!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
92 of 105 found this review helpful
This is a must-play for all HOG fans!
PostedDecember 7, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
This game, which is from Artifex Mundi, took me over 5 hours to finish (SE version).
I usually don't like games that take too long, because I get bored very quickly. However, this game was never boring.
You play the character of a woman living in 1830 England. You have to travel back in time (to several different time zones, and not only within England, but to Venice as well#, in order to change the past so that different versions of the past and future get changed.
There are quite a few iHOS #interactive hidden object scenes#, but the graphics are beautiful, and objects are easy enough to find.
However, if you get tired of the HOS, you can switch to a Match-3 game and do that one instead.
Gameplay is first-class, and the puzzles are fun.
Graphics are excellent.
There is voice-over, and lots of animation.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor, but the cursor does not change when you declick the "custom" cursor box. The system cursor is just a fraction smaller than the one that is supposed to be the custom cursor. However, I like the cursor just the way it is. Not too large and intrusive, but informative when pointing at different objects.
There is a diary, which keeps track of the story, and shows you your objectives.
There is no map as such, but the time capsule - once you have put it together - can be used not only to jump to different time zones, but also to different areas.
There are 2 play modes, normal and advance. The HINT button is always available, there is no refilling in normal mode, and the SKIP button fills quite fast.
The game filled all of my widescreen laptop, and I had no problems with the game whatsoever, using Win7, 64-bit.
I haven't had this much fun with a HOG #hidden object game# in a long time.
I recommend this game!
92of 105voted this as helpful.
Stop the villainous Visage from ruining Mardi Gras in Shattered Minds: Masquerade, an incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
116 of 143 found this review helpful
Fun and entertaining
PostedNovember 27, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
This review is based on the CE trial version, which took me exactly 59 minutes to play.
I love this game. The graphics are well done, although they could have been a little less rough in the HOS (hidden object scenes).
There are 3 different styles in the HOS: finding objects in the open, combining objects to make a whole before clicking on them, and finding objects in secret places.
There are 6 chapters plus the bonus game.
There are 20 morphing objects, called "illusions" to be found, which open extras once they have been found.
There is voice-over, and a choice of custom or system cursor.
There is no choice of normal and advanced mode. You can only play in "sparkle" mode.
The HINT and SKIP buttons fill quickly.
There is a journal, but no map.
Gameplay and puzzles are fun and entertaining.
The SG (strategy guide) only showed the part you play in the trial version.
This is definitely a "buy" for me.
I recommend this game!
116of 143voted this as helpful.
After a terrible traffic accident, Amy Walters finds herself trapped in dark, mysterious world that seems to have a mind of its own!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
42 of 45 found this review helpful
Enjoyable even with grainy graphics
PostedNovember 26, 2011
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
The graphics could have been better - they look a little rough - but gameplay is fun, and I got scared (even screamed once... LOL) every so often.
The HOS (hidden object scenes) are a bit of a pain. Because the graphics aren't very clear, it's not a great joy for me to go through them.
There is no voice-over, which is a shame, but the gameplay is so good - full of suspense, you never know what will happen next - that I didn't mind too much.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor. However, there is no choice to play the game in normal or advenced mode. You get the sparkles, whether you like it or not.
The HINT button is also very helpful outside of the HOS (hidden object scenes#. If you don't know where to look next #and there is no map to check up on), the HINT button will tell you where to go next.
There is a journal, which gives some info on the ongoing progress of your game, but mainly tells you in which area you still have to do what, which is very helpful and helps you not to lose track.
I only realised after finishing the game that I couldn't remember encountering any puzzles in this game. Just goes to show how little I missed them.
I recommend this game!
42of 45voted this as helpful.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
292 of 344 found this review helpful
A Very Unusual Game
PostedNovember 25, 2011
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
I have now completed the game, and what a long and interesting (and sometimes stomach-churning) game this was.
Widescreen worked for me - laptop, Win7, 64-bit.
Voices were well done.
I used the custom cursor so that I could see the changes when moving over different parts.
There are no sparkles.
There are no instructions for how to do the puzzles.
There is very little, if any, information on how to proceed, except in the SG, which moved its pages (although slightly behind) with my game progress.
Graphics are very good.
There is one HOS (hidden object scene). Otherwise there are MOS (morphing object scenes), but not all that many. They seemed to get less the further I got into the game.
There is no bonus chapter - just as well as we all always moan about the shortness of bonus games.
Instead, you will get extra gameplay throughout the game. Check out the SG (strategy guide). When you see a diamond in the top right-hand corner of a page, that page is extra playtime, which is exclusive to the CE.
There is no map, but a diary, in which you will find 2 tabs. You aren't told what they are for, but you will find out very quickly...
This was one strange and interesting game. And I am glad I bought the CE. A lot of people who will buy the SE (standard edition) might struggle with the game, because there is no in-built SG.
I never had to use the Strategy Guide before when playing a CE, but I had to use it very often with this game.
I recommend this game!
292of 344voted this as helpful.
Save the three worlds contained inside of a magical book in Azada: In Libro! Stop a dark magician from conquering Azada!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Great Puzzle Game
PostedNovember 21, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
Although this is not a HOG (hidden object game), it plays just like all the other ERS HOGs, only without the HOS (hidden object scenes).
I was not sure whether I would like this game because, apart from the fact that I am not very good at puzzles, I don't like games that provide only puzzles, and need variety in a game.
However, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that I loved the puzzles, and even managed most of them.
This is a really wonderful and highly entertaining game - lovely graphics, lovely scenery, and there are several characters that come with voice-over.
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Dive into Haunted Manor: Queen of Death and save your sister before it’s too late! Find a powerful amulet to stop an ancient evil!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
105 of 119 found this review helpful
Fun and entertaining
PostedNovember 21, 2011
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
The game does not come in widescreen.
There is no voice-over.
There is no choice of casual or advanced mode - the game only plays with sparkles.
There is no journal and no map.
There is a choice of custom and system cursor. I would recommend using the custom cursor, because the system cursor is static and won't change when you move over different areas.
The graphics are great, and so is the gameplay. The puzzles are nicely done, and the SKIP button doesn't take forever to fill up.
The HINT button also works outside of the HOS (Hidden Object Scenes#, and is very helpful when you are stuck - an arrow will show you where you have to go to next.
The main game was a good length, and the bonus game took me a good hour to complete.
All in all, I had a wonderful time playing this game, and recommend it to anyone who is a HOG #Hidden Obejct Game) fan.
I recommend this game!
105of 119voted this as helpful.
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