As many others have commented the live actors really detract from the game and what's with the squeaky mosquito voice of the main villain? Other than that I liked the game. God length. Good graphics. Lots of locations. Could have done with a bit more tension and drama. Puzzles were good but perhaps some may find them too easy (I didn't have to skip any and often I do). The map tells you where to go but does not take you there. I actually enjoy that as I think it adds realism.
I was not as bowled over as most of the reviewers who give it 5 stars but I still enjoyed the game. Engaging storyline, nice graphics, sound was fine. It was a bit disconcerting to be having "conversations" with people whose lips do not move. Hint system worked fine for me.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
I rarely give 5's any more but this is a solid 4. Game length good. Storyline good. Graphics good. Puzzles are a nice mix of HOS and puzzle.
My one critique is that, at the expert level, the hint feature told you EXACTLY what to do. I prefer games that supply maps that indicate open/active areas.
I'm getting picky in my game ratings and rarely give anything a five now. This game is a very sold 4. Some new styles of puzzles and some old puzzles with a new twist, which is always fun. The story line is predictable but enjoyable for all that.
I played the game on expert mode. The game length is good. The graphics quite good.
My one critique is with the help feature. Another one where all you are told is "nothing to do here" unless you are in the EXACT scene you need. I prefer games whose maps show open actions.
I played the SE on the expert mode which means you get absolutely no help on what to do next unless you are in the exact scene that has the action. I found myself wandering all over the scenes hitting "hint" to try and figure out what to do next. When I play it the next time I'm going to take notes about scenes/places that need more action!
The puzzles were fine. The game length good. Basic scene graphics are good. I found some of the HOS a bit muddy, which affects item selection, but nothing too horrible.
My greatest critique is that the story sort of falls apart at the end. Too rushed. Did ERS run out of time? Or money? Or interest? I like my end battles to be a bit more substantive.
This is my first time management game. I'm having a ball. 45 levels and not one of them a dud! You have to plan ahead, balance doing tasks because they take resources and where is the best place to use them? I get a kick out of the little "sotto voce" comments from my little guys -- "I know, I know", "my axe is razor sharp" and best of all (in my opinion) "I am the terror that flaps in the night." Hilarious. Can't recommend this one enough.
I don't give out 5 ratings much any more. My big gripe is with games that don't tie actions to storyline, especially with the HOS where you paw through "stuff" to come up with a random "thing" that you eventually use in a puzzle but that does not have much to do with the actual story. This game did better than most in tying items to storyline. And it had a nice selection of puzzles, more than HOS, which is unusual. The game length was good, which is another factor in my 5 rating. And finally I liked the unusual storyline -- Goldilocks' son and his "heritage". Good fun all around.
I don't normally pay much attention to the music of a particular game. It's generally just "there" but I actually enjoyed the music with this game. I thought it actually added to the mood/ambiance. One thing I liked, which I know others do not, is that while the game has a map there is no "instant traveling" by using it. You have to travel there on your own. For me this adds a degree of reality that I like. I thought the plot was good (conquering the seven deadly sins) and the game length was fine. Art work was good too.
This review is based on playing only the demo. I found the graphics cartoonish and awful. Story line was OK but they kept using "VOX" as if it was a noun and I never did figure out what it was supposed to indicate. Book of VOX???? I'm glad I tried the demo first. This game is definitely not for me. Others might like it but definitely try the demo to find out.