The game was OK but Elephant has gone from having the most well-done animations and cut-scenes to some of the worst/cheesiest. Judging from the game download size, it's not because of making the download to big/long.
My hat is off to this developer. Most of my reviews focus on graphics quality as this is my own personal #1 factor in a game. I realize these are casual games but I feel most of BFG games have become nothing more than moving cutouts these days. 5-BN has done a great job of creating a game much more like what MOST BFG games were like until a few years ago. 3D graphics cut-scenes and great detail. I found myself pulled into the game immediately from the start. The use of darker colors would be my only suggestion for improvement. Now...if we could just get more BFG developers to return to graphics of this quality we would be all set :)
I bought this game without giving it a trial. Big mistake. I only played about 45 minutes before I uninstalled it. I know a lot of work goes into these games but I honestly cant find much good to say about this. The best word is CHEESY. It felt like drudgery even to play as long as I did. I think I'm also growing very tired of amulets, witches, childish VOs, and performing steps in these games that have me asking WHY? I sometimes think the developers think we are like sheep and have no brains at all.
This is a long game, especially considered the brevity of many recent games. My personal preference is that games have high graphics quality (including cut-scenes). This game is just OK in that regards and bit cartoonish during game play and cut scenes. The puzzle challenge is towards the tougher end of the scale. I would recommend trialing it first, as everyone's taste is different.
I purchased the CE of the game. I'm about 1/3 of the way through it and I'm loving it. It's has a feel more like the very early of days of the HH series. The drab colors and dreary settings are perfect for helping to create just the right feel. The puzzles so far could be a bit more challenging but I don't like puzzles that take an eternity to solve because the forward energy & excitement typically gets lost in the process. Also, Elephant Games has typically been my fave developer but they seem to have been losing it over the past year or so. They've regained their footing with this game. Everyone has different likes but my two cents is that it's a great, creepy game.
I just could not get into this game. There was absolutely nothing to hold my attention. I bought it but installed it within 30 minutes of play. Rarely do I find a game that just had so little going for it.
Eipix graphics quality keep getting worse. I uninstalled the trial in less than 5 minutes. Cut-scenes are suppose to be the cream of adventure games. It seems EIPIX and BFG have now reduced them to cheesy, poorly-done after-thoughts. I don't care how good a story might be if I have to endure garbage graphics to play it. Moving cardboard cutouts and cartoon drawings are NOT graphics. When Blue Tea did these games exclusively the graphics were extraordinary. Unfortunately those days are long gone.
This is a great game. Graphics are good and even though the story is similar to others, there are enough interesting and unique bells and whistles to keep my interest. My only complaint is that the puzzles are far too easy. I'm not a fan of extremely difficult and time-consuming puzzles but most young children could solve these.
The story in this game was actually pretty good. However, the extremely poor game mechanics drove me mad. Even when you have an idea of what you are supposed to do, you have to click in just the precise area to get it to work. I got so frustrated with it that I uninstalled it without completing it. As others have said, this game was slapped together with very little quality testing.
Eipix has always had blurry game graphics but this was much worse. The whole game felt very thrown together and published with no polish. Further, the game itself was so boring that I stopped playing half way through and uninstalled it. I had bought the game too.