And we have another brand-new game from Domini using the exact same mechanics that it bakes into every other game. How many times do we search for a fan to disperse smoke? How many broken key fixes do we get to perform? How often do we have to go search for some ridiculous object to do something when there is a tool that could do it laying nearby? The suspense is awe-inspiring. Sorry. I gave it a try and this is just another repetitive, clichéd game like most Domini games. Since these come out so frequently, perhaps BFG should change its name to DG. At some point, you'd think DG would actually read these reviews and decide it should make some changes. Instead, the same formula continues. Like most BFG players, I'm saving money and playing older games that actually have quality and hold my interest.
I agree with Penmom, the elephant in no longer in the room. In years past, Elephant Games was at the top of the devs in terms of game quality in every respect. Sadly, like all the other BFG devs, quality now takes a back seat to whatever will run on even 25-year-old PCs. Everything looks like a cartoon. There's no challenge, and the most of the VOs are like fingernails on a chalkboard. The only word I can find to describe this game is....LAME! I, too, will not be buying this, and I'm ready to cancel my membership. Maybe one day before the adventure game market completely goes away, BFG will wake up! However, they seem to ignore all comments.
If this is the sign of what this series has become, I won't be buying future versions. If you have an entire year to create a new game and then just rehash scenes from prior years, then your game has become nothing more than a cash grab.
This is the first paint by numbers (by any developer) that I've bought and I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying this. I wish that I had discovered them sooner, but I'm gonna be buying them all during the next sale. It's very relaxing and yet surprisingly challenging too. I give these 5 stars!
First off, I do recommend this game! That said, I have mixed feelings about the remaster. Some things are definite improvements over the first version. However, the voice of Franklin and the music were much better in the original version. I'll admit that the original had an oppressive (and close to depressing feel) but that's part of it's magic also. The new version just doesn't have the same emotional impact as the original. The good news is that we don't have to choose. We can play either depending upon our mood :)
Friendly Fox is my fave remaining dev at BFG, but they cut a lot of corners on this game. For one, it's ridiculously short. Two, they cut the number of collectibles in half. It seems the reduction of CE content and quality is becoming yet another problem with BFG's adventure games. I've seen few companies more intent on completely destroying a whole game genre for the sake of more frequent game releases and for minimizing support incidents. Just a clue're making the rest of us pay the price for trying to create games that will run on any system regardless of its age, power, or internet bandwidth.
Once upon a time 2012-2013, BFG games kept getting better and better with nearly every game iteration. Then they sold the company to the casinos. Ever since that day, it's been a race to the bottom in terms of fun, quality, and graphics.
They immediately laid off all development staff and customer support and began to rely on 3rd party developers exclusively. Along with that, they lowered the quality of the games to the rock bottom so that they will run on even the oldest PCs to lower the chance of refunds due to no longer having support.
I'm convinced that Domini has the same tasks and puzzles in the exact same order, with every game having a slightly different story overlaid on it. Who cares if there's lots of bling if you're bored to tears and pulling your hair out over one inane task after another. I honestly don't think BFG or Domini care anymore.
I've already discontinued my club membership, and I haven't bought anything in months. At least I'm saving money.
Unless you want to play the same game you've played over and over for the past 2 years, stay away. At the very least, TRY IT before you BUY IT.
There's still a chance to save adventure games, but only if BFG is willing to make a huge u-turn.
First off, this is my kind of game. This is like classic adventure games. No handholding, no map, you have to figure out what to do next instead of everything being in-your-face obvious.
I think many of the reviews so far for this game speak volumes. We wonder why games have become so ridiculously easy and when one comes along that forces you to think and revisit areas everyone starts to complain. This is how adventure games are supposed to work, if you don't like it, maybe you should try another type of game.
For me, I compliment the developer for a refreshing change!
Get ready to play the same game that you've played from Domini for the last 15+ iterations. One would think that they'd either hire some new blood or else throw in the towel. I'm not trying to be harsh, but I have never enjoyed any of Domini Games. They always bore me after about 20-30 mins into the game. Who cares if it's 8 hours long if you're falling asleep while playing the game! I honestly think that the remaining adventure game makers on BFG have run out of the ideas after about an 11-year run. It's time that BFG finds new developers or else returns to making its own games again.