I don't hand out 5 stars often, but this one deserves it! Based on the hour trial, it is just as enjoyable as the other 3 Mystery Trackers games, which I also have. Beautiful graphics/cutscenes...like finding chips to buy goodies for Elf (which I also get a kick out of) he is much more useful than my chihuahua..keeps me engaged which isn't easy...pros-the map and the fast hint button charge..this is on the casual mode..can't wait to get back to it! Oh yeah..I recommend it!
Cons: no map, causing foot fatigue from back tracking-and the "nothing to do here" hint button..I can't stand that. Pros: it is a lovely, well executed game..graphics are beautiful..storyline easy enough to follow..I like the owl that traverses through the story...it does get tedious for me with so many HOS..so if that is a primary criteria for a game, you willl enjoy it. I purchased it and am glad I did.
I really like this game for several reasons: the graphics are lovely, what little audio I heard was ok...the cutscenes grabbed me right off the bat and knew I needed this game. I was impressed with the map (always a fav of mine-it helps avoid a lot of the incessant back-tracking) the skip and hint buttons recharge pretty quickly..I don't think it should take a long time for these to recharge...it's a game..don't need to be penalized for skipping...and even though I get distracted by outside influences, it's still easy to follow the storyline. I don't want this game to end!
Ok here's the thing...the game is actually pretty good. However, with my short term memory issues, I find it a bit irritating that there isn't a hint button unless it's on a HOS. However, the game is easy enough that if I pay closer attention than I usually do, I can usually figure it out. Love the map...that makes up some for the lack of a hint button. I also like the fact that it doesn't give the "there is nothing to do here" response..I hate that. I will buy this, mainly for support of breast cancer awareness month,,and the fact it's a DD.
I can't speak to the audio as I always mute. I have other games that have the interactive room changing theme, and it was okay. However, this one is a constant back and forth - changing the room to complete one action,then switching back to do another action. Perhaps I am a bit distracted, but this one just does't do it for me. I might get the SE, but this time, not the CE. HOG afficionados would surely like this despite the rarity of actual HO scenes. Yes, I could rely on the strategy guide, but still..am taking a pass on this one
Yeah I don't understand the bad press on this one, either. I found it quite enjoyable..not my favorite, but worth the price..plan to purchase it ..review based on the one hour preview..progressed nicely, didn't need to constantly wonder where to go next..not the most challenging and perhaps that is why I like it...not so taxing on the brain..great for a Sunday afternoon!
I wanted to like this game. I like most anything having to do with animals...but just couldn't get into this one. Very repetitive; didn't hold my interest. Might be better suited for the younger crowd///
I have a bunch of HOGs, including the Death at Fairing Point, and I have to say it is such a pleasant departure from all the spooky, evil, creepy, bloody evil HOGs which are so prevalent. Graphics, music, storyline does not disappoint. Didn't get the CE but am enjoying the regular game. Am a bit surprised at the lack of HO scenes..but the story is so good you really don't miss it much. Definitely a recommend
There aren't many card games out there that I like...I do have a couple that has this one beaten...but all in all, I like it. A challenge getting from one level to another....probably worth the purchase price as it has lots of different solitaire game options....
In a fading world devoid of color, the ghost of Nikola Tesla reaches through the Ether and invites you on an incredible adventure through time and space.