Excellent gameplay, good storyline, I liked the games and puzzles, but this was 6 very, very short chapters. Seems like I barely got started and then I was done. I had a sneaking suspicion that would happen when the chapters started flying by, but still, that was a disappointment.
I will recommend it, for story and game play, but please, don't pay full price for this!
This is very different from most LoL games, in fact it is different from most HOGs lately. This is very heavy on the hidden objects, then mini games and lastly adventure. At first beta trial, I didn't like it, then I liked it more on the 2nd go around and I really like the finished product.
If you are into the stories and roaming around and more adventure and mini games, this is probably not so much for you. But if you are into challenging HOGs, mini puzzles and just some fun, give it a shot.
Either way, DEMO IT FIRST. I can't stress that enough. This one needs to be demo'd to see if you like playing, not just to make sure that it works on your system!
I enjoyed the game, but not sure that I got my money's worth. I enjoyed the puzzles, there were one or two that were challenging, but it really seemed to just zoom by.
Graphics are good, voiceovers are fun, I just think that it was too short. Buy it on a BOGO or with a coupon is my recommendation.
I have been playing Grim Tales in order and just finished The Stone Queen, 4th in the series. This is a brilliant game, it may be an older one but it holds up so well. The story is cohesive and engaging, the map is one of the best, the mix of HOGs and puzzles is pretty good (I am more of a puzzle fan myself so if it is puzzle heavy I am all good.) The graphics have the older feel, but it is more sepia than dark and dreary. I give this a solid 5 stars and 2 thumbs up! Hoping the rest of the series lives up to this one!
I have enjoyed this series, but this episode just seems way too easy. I beta tested it and got it when it came out because I enjoyed the story and the first bit of puzzles, but as I went farther into the finished game, I realized that the puzzles were so easy, the game almost finished them itself. It's not an awful game and I will recommend it, but not the challenge that I would expect. So my recommendation has a caveat, it is for beginners.
After the last Haunted Manor that I played, Haunted Manor, Remembrance, Collector's Edition, I was not thinking that I would enjoy this one very much. Boy was I wrong! This is an excellent addition to the series, to the HO genre and to Big Fish in general. I am just sorry that this was the one that I got as the SE and not the CE. The graphics are good, the colors are good, the story line was engaging. The only drawback is some of the acting is pretty wooden, but I could totally get past that. There is a nice mix between HOs and puzzles. I wish that this had been longer, but I don't know if it was really a short one, or if I was just enjoying myself so much that I didn't notice the time going by. All in all, this is a keeper!
I like the paranormal series, I really do. And I enjoy the time I played this one, but it was still a big let down. It took me an hour and a half tops to finish the SE. That was it, I think that it was closer to an hour. Glad that I got it with a coupon or special.
The game play is good, the puzzles are good. Sound and visuals are good. It is just the length that bugged me. It seems like the devs just needed to get a game out so they bare boned it. It felt rushed and static, there are much better ones in the series. I will use one as a current favorite :)
At first, I was all into it, it seemed like a creepy thriller. But it fell apart, wayyyy apart at the end. There were so many different possibilities, I am not sure where or why they landed on the one that they did. This story made no sense at all by the time you hit the ending. The bonus chapter was completely removed from the main story, there was no connection really.
I probably should be glad, but just letting everyone know, this was also very, very short.
Puzzles were very easy, hops were very easy. Graphics and audio were fine. I have loved the Haunted Manor stories but this one did not live up to the others and must made me sad. Even sadder, I wasted credits on the CE version...................
I usually really like the Redemption series, a bit repetitive, but usually a good time. This one follows the same formula, three souls to save, or sets of three, but it was just too one/two/three follow my steps for me to enjoy as much as normal. The puzzles were much too easy. If this was closer to the front of the series, then I would get it, but this almost feels like they have stepped back. This is more for the inexperience gamer, fun, but get it on a special or BOGO day.