Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I must say I loved everything about this game. The secret agent feel, the funny animal helpers that the agents had and the magnifying glass that snapped over each agent and told you of their status. The game play itself was pretty standard. Lots of things missing, locks to open and pieces to find. The mini games were quite fun and there were quite a few of them. It had a good jump map and hint system. I liked that there were lots of achievements. I still missed the more standard collectibles and/or morphing objects but the magic magnifying glass that found invisible things was a fun substitute. This game sure did have a lot to offer. Loved that Elf was back and this time he had a family. Enjoyed feeding and playing with them. I even liked that you could choose your own frog for the hint. I chose the superhero frog and he was super cute. There were a few moments.. like the agent who had all the gadgets including night vision goggles but had to call for help using a public pay phone booth?? Or the train they had custom made but you still had to shovel coal into it to make it run?? okay whatever... details. But the story was good and there was plenty to keep you busy. I loved the addition of abilities and had fun using them. This one was a decent length, maybe a bit shorter than the others and had the extra chapter. The game made me smile many times and I did love it. Well done.
Confront an ancient evil and uncover your true! After a startling revelation changes your world forever, you must embark on an epic journey to save mankind.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Although the storyline was rather predictable and done to death, the old - you are the chosen one who must find all the elements to defeat the bad whoever and save us all, I did think this game was pretty good. Nice music that changed with the locations, some fun and different mini games and some slightly interactive HOS. The graphics were good and the VO's with the exception of the squeaky high pitched fairy thing, were quite well done. There were a ton of inventory objects to find and use that were sometimes not so easy. It had a decent jump map and hint system. I really liked all the little creatures that ran around the scenes and I liked flying on the winged statue. All in all a good use of a free coupon. Actually I would say for a SE game this one was pretty good.
You've arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world!
This was a nice light, bright, colorful, fun game. Not bad storyline and some interesting characters. Not overly long but decent. Loved the morphing items and achievements and I liked that they were carried into the extra chapter. Makes it feel like it is more of a continuation of the game instead of just an after thought add on. A fair amount of varying HO scenes and quite a few mini games which I like. They' re good at breaking up the game play. The music was pretty good.. it changed with the locations and the VO's, with the exception of the brother, were fairly well done. Flying the hand glider was fun. What made this game I thought, were the achievements and morphing items as without these it could have been a fairly average game. But overall I quite liked it. Well done.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This one, like the first one, is what a CE should be. Great storyline, beautiful art work, cool mini games and clear HO scenes. You could play a fire and ice match three game if you didn't want to do the HO scenes and one achievement has you do five of them as match three games. Added to those achievements were morphing objects and two different collectibles for a full CE package. Great jump map and diary with both the narrative and objectives. Very good length with a decent extra chapter, you could also replay all of the mini games and all of the HO scenes after. I started playing in the hardest mode but found the game lacking something so I switched to advanced and immediately up came the objectives and interesting comments. Much better. I did have to put up with the occasional glint telling me where things were but no biggie. Some of the inventory objects were pretty tricky and I liked both the achievement to watch all the credits which they even made interesting and the hidden kites in the map. ( just a bit of advise to read over the achievements before you start) This is a great package. Really well put together game. Loved it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I liked this game. The murder mystery had me interested right from the start. It's kind of dark, both in theme and in locations, especially some of the HO scenes of which there were many. Not too many puzzles and no skip option for those but some were fun.. like the finding of the constellations as well as various code puzzles and a slide puzzle. The old "nothing left to do here" hints but the hints worked well in the HO scenes. I did have a few what to do next moments which is not necessarily a bad thing. You basically have three crime scenes and an observatory to investigate and you move quite freely through each one a couple of times. This was not a huge game nor did it have all the modern bells and whistles but it was a free coupon well spent and I enjoyed it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
2/ 5
This is a very simple game. No voice overs.. all the story and dialogue are written. You are looking for some guy at a farm that is overrun with scarecrows?? So you do a HO scene, find the key.. then open the car trunk. ...need a rope.. do the HO find a rope.. you get the picture. Very simple. It looks like this was an early attempt by someone and it's okay. The artwork is good and there is a storyline but it just can't compare to the big productions we are used to seeing. Nice but very simple game not for anyone who plays a lot of these games. You'll be bored to tears.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Wow nicely done. This one had most everything. Morphing objects, collectable puzzle pieces, achievements, lots of inventory objects, great mini games and 27 HO scenes that were interactive. Interesting characters and a good storyline made this one really fun. A little imp companion who followed you everywhere was fun to interact with. Really good length on this one also and the "extra" chapter was really a continuation. You had to play it to complete the collectibles. All of these things combined, as well as the quality of the art, earned this one 5 stars from me. Bravo!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
I liked this one. would have given it 3.5 stars if I had been able to. For me this was not a five star game. Music was one track throughout and did not change with the locations. The mini games were dead easy.. so easy in fact that I didn't look forward to finding one like I usually do. And I love achievements and collectibles. I won't pay full price for a CE without them but considering that this was a story of about an orphanage, toys might not have been the most well thought out collectible, as it was at times difficult to separate the collectable ones from all the others. The storyline here was predictable and I felt the whole game had been dumbed down so as to appeal to a wider audience. There were many plusses mind you. The use of some real actors, the art work, the fact that the game moved along quickly as things you needed were often only a move or two away and the inclusion of achievements and collectibles always keeps the game interesting. I began playing in advanced but the game still had those little glints that show you where everything is so I had to change it to "insane" in order to not have that kind of help. Even so this one was very easy. I would play the next one by this developer but would ask that they add some kind of challenge or run the risk of just becoming another cookie cutter, easy HOPA that no one remembers. Very simplistic but somewhat enjoyable, rather run of the mill HOPA game IMO. If you are looking for a light, easy game to kill a Sunday afternoon that won't tax your brain and is a little old school then this one is for you.
I liked this game.. as I have most of Blue Tea games. As always it is stunningly beautiful and has ornate jeweled HO scenes. I found the storyline a bit wonky. A wicked queen type who is looking for Cinderella's to find a pure hearted maiden so she can revive her husband Gepetto. His son Pinochio appears quite often throughout the game. Gepetto has been burned alive for making puppets in an effort to take over the world. Right that seems perfectly reasonable. I would like it if BTG's would add something different to their games each time. Maybe some achievements perhaps, some silhouette HO scenes or different puzzles. Something to set them apart from each other as they do tend to blend together. I did like this one. The artwork was really pretty, it was a decent length and you really couldn't predict the story. The music was lovely, it had very few morphing objects and it had some not bad puzzles. I don't know how many more of them I could play if they don't add some different stuff as you do begin to feel like it's an continuation of a similar game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
What caught my eye in the first game was the absolutely stunning artwork. I thought the game might be a bit kiddie but with graphics like that at least I would really enjoy the scenery. So I bought it and soon discovered it was not that easy of a game. Great. You had abilities to use and I liked her yay's when you accomplished something. The second game was equally. if not more beautiful and as well as having the ability to bonk and break stuff, (fun) you also had a cute little flying dragon who's fire breathing abilities proved useful. So loving the first two I bought this without looking at it first. When will I learn? This has zero of the charm of the first two. The graphics are terrible. Wow! I mean third rate at best. Many of the scenes look like they have been white washed, flat with no 3D effect at all. They are flat and look like a cheap child's cartoon. Really really bad. Did they pass this down to a junior artist or what exactly happened?? I tried to play in advanced and still there are these freaking sparkles everywhere. The storyline is the same old been kidnapped theme that's been done to death. To make matters worse they have included lame creepy stuff like skulls and big spiders. please what happened to the charm? The HO scenes were terrible and the cute little dragon is down a large poorly drawn thing that flies in circles around in the air?? What were you thinking?? Well needless to say probably... I hated this game. Had I played the trial, I would not have made it through the demo and I will certainly not play more than an hour of it.. ever. From now on, no matter how much I loved the previous offerings I will check to see if they have mangled and/or ruined it as they have here. Lesson learned.