Now I will say to begin that I am a huge fan of the Nevertales series and for me, this game is no exception. -beautiful crisp graphics and gorgeous scenes -collectible cards -morphing objects in the HO scenes -I loved the complexity of the mini games. Finding my way through the forest and the lantern that made an owl being two of my faves but there were so many good ones that it was hard to choose. -strive-able achievements and quite a few of them -liked the small puzzles that told some background on the story where you had to find pieces to continue -music changes with the locations. There was also that same piece of music from all the other games that made it Nevertales. -good VO's and your character actually speaks as do all of the people you encounter along the way -Gears.. the little mechanical owl is back as your helper -extra chapter was good and the collectibles continued into it -just a ton of extras after that. A treasure hunt that opens a casino. Then six or seven games to play in the casino where you earn enough points to play a jigsaw. There was still an achievement to be earned there with the forklift game. WOW -Mallek is back and you and your parents.. well mostly you must save both Taleword, the "real" world and the Queen of hearts. As always I loved this game. These are some of the games that I will play again. I really enjoy this series and everything it has to offer. It's nice that MHG's seems to really care about making each one a stand alone game and not just a glossed over copy of their previous offerings. I would highly recommend this whole series. They are outstanding games. Don't miss them!
When I first started this game I was excited. You are at a hotel and everything you touch animates. The orange leaves float gently to the ground, click the sign and the windows behind light up and a ghost rushed by, the letters on the word taxi sparkle. Wow I thought, morphing collectibles and this? This should be fun! But it only lasted until the lobby and then this game settled into being rather average. Lots of mini games although some of them old school. Sliding tiles and turning pipes for example. HO scenes were lists. It's locked, it's missing, back, forth. Save the souls from the evil whatever. Found all the morphing and collectibles pretty easily. Nice that the map has a star for each location where these are completed. Earned all the achievements pretty easily. Overall a decent, rather average but not bad HOPA. It was solid if not overly exciting.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I liked so much about this game. It's gorgeous, full of color, very detailed and beautifully drawn. I loved the little scarecrow helper especially when he donned things like a bee keepers hat. I even liked all the little detail stuff.. like how he raised his arms to be picked up and the sound effect he made when jumping back into position. There were collectibles, some really strive-able achievements... like play x number of mini games without reading the instructions and real variety in both the mini games and the HO scenes. Really excellent. Enjoyed playing this one very much.
This game is long, with a decent extra chapter and a quite short second extra chapter.. which would usually earn it that extra fifth star from me, but the storyline cost them that extra star at least in my opinion. An healer turned evil witch is... can you guess? yup kidnapping children. So with the kidnapped children she goes off to complete her ritual. mwa ha ha.. you can't stop me.. again and of course the old.. No this can't be.. ending as you find a way to defeat her. sigh. But I will say the addition of the scarecrow people at least added some variety to a so tired it should be dead script. I did think.. well at least there's no amulet. Then that came in the extra chapter.
So if you don't mind the done to death storyline.. this game has a lot to offer and is really well done and entertaining. I really did enjoy it and it almost scored five stars.
Without warning, a group of mysterious figures arrives and reduces your village to flames and rubble. What do they want... and who is controlling them?
OMG can I give this one ten stars? no.. really... I am way serious. This was an epic adventure like some of the games of old before they became carbon copies of each other.
An amazing array of innovation here without losing the feel of a good HOPA game. Loved the music!!! And the opening scenes were stunning. I was actually nervous playing! The graphics were absolutely gorgeous. Every scene was rich, beautifully colored and detailed. Loved the dragon that wiped out all of my tools like the map, the hint button etc. Huge variety of HO puzzles.. some you will never have seen before. And each one contained a morphing object. Not that many puzzles but what were there were fun to play. I especially liked the guy on the roof being shot at by arrows. You had abilities to use.. something that would bring stone statues to life, a fire shield, and ancient flame weapon and something that would revive plants. There was a good assortment of achievements including finish the game in 4,5 or 6 hours. I knew I would not get those as I intended to slow down and enjoy every minute of this game. In total I think I spent 10 hours or so enthralled with this one. It's long and even so I never wanted it to end. I often don't play extra chapters if I wasn't really thrilled with the game itself but here I not only played the bonus chapter but went on the do a lot of the other extra stuff as well. I liked how you could go back and retrieve any collectibles you missed. And these dev's went to soooo much effort that when you complete the jigsaw puzzle, your father appears and tells you how proud he is of you. Incredible. That was another thing I really enjoyed about this one... the interaction with so many characters. From the rosy cheeked produce seller who sometimes skirts the rules, to the zepplin driver who wants gold to the fairy who likes to collect junk. Lots of people to meet and things to do. Actually there was nothing I didn't like here. I was completely taken with this one. It was an epic adventure, the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time. (think drawn but better) I actually had resigned myself to thinking that these were gone for good and we were left with carbon copy games with child like simplicity...and then along comes Mad Head games and puts out a stunner like this. This is a ten star game for me. I loved every single minute. Highly recommend this one.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game was the best of the three. Graphics are gorgeous! very detailed and richly colored. I especially liked the train station. This one started out with that same tired old storyline.. been kidnapped ugh but soon grew into much more than that. thank god. It evolved into witches and fires and broken relationships. There were 3 collectibles.. puzzle pieces, morphing objects and play toys for Imp...our helper. I loved how when you found him a play toy, he would use it briefly. very cute to see him making bubbles or playing the guitar. There were 35 of lots of things.. HOP's some of them silhouettes, some of them lists, although many repeated, mini games that were quite fun, puzzles pieces and morphing objects. Also many achievements. I liked how the jump map kept track of your collectibles. I did notice the error in it where they had switched the icon for where you were and where you had things to do but they rectified that by the extra chapter. This game had some length which is a sure fire way to bring the game from four stars to five in my book. You get a lot of game for your money here. I really liked this one. Liked the old detective guy, the multitude of locations and inventory objects. Nothing really new here but a good solid HOPA that was both beautiful to look at and fun to play. Very good job Elfun games.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Finally!! a game that offered some challenge! I never thought we would see another. These dev's were listening to all the whining about the childlike simplicity of recent games. I played this in advanced and it was really good.
There were collectibles and they were not easy to find. They didn't jump right out at you when you entered the scene. You actually had to hunt for them. yayy! The HO scenes were similar. Made more difficult by the achievements 1 HO without mistakes.. 5 HO's without mistakes and finish HO's in one minute. I never did achieve the minute ones. There were also abilities to use. And the game DID NOT tell you when to use them. Bravo. Sometimes I would check the jump map for where to go next and it would show nothing. I figured out that was when I needed to go back and figure out where to use an ability. FOR MYSELF. I did notice rather late in the game that they glowed slightly. The mini games were truly a range. Some were very easy and some I laboured over. But it was a labour of love. I love challenging mini games. Moving colors around, pushing turtles to form a bridge and making lines with lights just to name a few of the more challenging ones.
This game was also long which earns it an extra star in my book. The extra chapter had some very good mini games as well. The storyline was pretty good. A jealous heir tries to pit the other two against each other in order to get everything. It is told in a series of cut scenes which included putting pieces back into the scene.. similar to what we have seen in other recent games. The VO's were a little hokey but aren't they always? I loved the flying tiger.. our means of transportation.
Overall this game took a lot time. effort and imagination and I for one, loved it. If you are tired of being told exactly what to do next and are looking for something with some challenge to really sink your teeth into, then this is the game for you. Enjoy!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Finally.. a game with an actual plot!! Wow And it did not involve anyone going missing or an evil whatever taking over worlds!! yay This one was quite well done. The music changed with locations which is always better than the one loop and there were many characters.. or suspects along the way. Most inventory objects were used rather quickly, there were HO scenes that you did twice and the puzzles were fairly easy. I personally think the puzzles make the game and there were not enough of them for me. There were also a few blips in the script.. like a detective who gives their gun to someone who has already killed three people.. but it's just a game. All in all I really liked this one. You are called to an insane asylum just in time to witness a murder. And the murders continue. Unravelling the goings on is no easy task and dealing with some of the crazies is well.. crazy. But it was good fun and I would for sure recommend this as well as the one that came before it actually. Being a SE there are no extras like morphing or collectibles but this game doesn't really need it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Well here we go again.. another evil whatever who wants power and will destroy both worlds. My God how many times can we play this storyline .. over and over and over. This time it is a jaguar god and can you believe it.. he has an amulet. Please... stop !!! Enough is enough. Beyond the storyline.. the game is well put together, a bit heavy to HO scenes with good extras like morphing objects, the hummingbirds found throughout this series and some decent achievements. The graphics were pretty good and the game had some length to it. I enjoyed the cut scenes. The mini games were quite easy but there were a fair amount of them, making the game pretty fun. I did like this one. It was well done and was a good sized game with some CE extras. I just honestly don't know how many more times I can play this exact same storyline.
An amulet purchased in an antique shop has awakened an ancient and terrible evil. Help rescue your beloved and save mankind from the coming eternal frost!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
I actually quite liked this one. It may actually be a three star game but it was long which always gets an extra star in my book. I will say that I bought it with a free game coupon so my expectations were not overly high. But I tried the demo and I liked the atmosphere and the artwork so I decided to give it a shot. The storyline.. well not so great. A combo of the only 2 storyline available to the dev's it seems. Your wife is kidnapped yawn by the evil frozen froids who, of course wants to destroy our world.. groan. You set off to collect seventeen souls to complete an amulet.. please.. to save the planet. Okay but it did have many many locations, some really fun mini games.. like a put together some masks one and I liked the glittery stars when you completed them and a ton of very interactive HO scenes each of which you did twice. Being an SE game there was no SG to help but on the plus side you didn't have to worry about not getting an achievement for using hints and the hint system worked very well. There were some interesting ways to use the inventory objects like a fun way to use champagne and overall it was pretty enjoyable. The cut scenes were well done and it was very engaging. There were no VO's so you had to read the dialogue but thankfully there was not that much of it. This is definitely not your high end super polished game with all the extras and there were some downright ridiculous moments but if you put aside your need for perfection you might just enjoy this one. I for one certainly did appreciate the amount of work that went into it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This game was very short, overly visually dark and very cliché. You are a detective, of course, and protecting a woman who has been threatened. Oh and guess what she get kidnapped. Noooooo I can't take it. But she gets kidnapped because these ghosts want to possess her as well as others This was a decent enough games as games go but not up to Mystery trackers standards. You follow these people and defeat the main character Abigail. I think I have played this one before. Nothing new in the storyline. The game did have a few interesting mini games but really that's about all. When it was done..way too soon..I actually had no desire whatsoever to play the extra chapter and probably won't. This is not what I expect from Mystery Trackers or Elephant games. They must stop pumping them out one after another and go back to long, intriguing games with good storylines and lots to do. This one so did not do it for me. It was mediocre at best.