Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This one had a lot going for it. Where to start? hmmm -Well first and foremost.. it was long. Which at least for me.. really matters -It was well drawn and very colorful with great artwork and mega locations -The sheer volume of mini games ensured that you were never bored. Some were dead easy and others much more complex. And there were lots of them. I loved that. Best part! -There were collectibles.. masks and coins that you could use to buy things. The masks took you to a bedroom to decorate and the coins to a matching version of whatever world you were in that you could buy stuff for -There was a sort of diary. It had a dossier section that would add a description of each person you met. And there were many. It also held a section for objectives as well as the links to the bedroom, the worlds and the achievement section -The achievements were pretty good being a mix of straight game play ones to HO related ones.. find 3 things in 3 seconds type thing -It had abilities to use.. wings for things up high, a jug with warm water, a flame thrower and a book that brought drawn things to life. You also had a doll thing that could fix stuff -There were five worlds to explore. The castle where your sister is as well as four others. The bonus chapter offered one more. (6 in total) There was just so much to do here and so many different mini games that it was fun right to the end. -My only critique was the storyline with the evil guy who wants to destroy the worlds and be worshipped. Mwah ha ha you know.. that old one. But somehow we outsmart him and save our sister. I did get a little ticked when the sister states that the evil one needs to be punished for almost killing her and the game calls her "harsh and vengeful". Really? A person who wants justice for a wrong is harsh and vengeful?? I think not. But of course we send him off to a fairy world to fix his soul for his much deserved second chance right? Well it is just a game after all -Overall I quite liked this one. A lot of time, energy and effort went into this and it showed. It had a lot to do, was bright, colorful and entertaining. Nice job -But honestly I don't know how many more times I can play the same storyline. Next one could ya think of a different storyline please other than the old missing/kidnapped or the evil whatever taking over worlds? please? please??
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This was a rather confusing tale that involved snow leopards that were actually people, a car accident that blinded someone, two sisters in love with the same man and something to do with native Indians. yeah weird When I looked at the achievements to start.. as I always do.. I saw that there were morphing objects to find but try as I might I could not find one. After about five frames I gave up and checked the SG. Hmm.. there it lists the location of the collectible scrolls and cats. Okay so 25 cats and 25 scrolls. At one location, I decided to do a few things before I looked for the collectibles but then an avalanche came and oops too late! sigh well who knew that was going to happen? There was this what looked to be a ranger guy who kept showing up at the oddest times.. just to tell me what I should be doing it seems. At one point he told me to look through a store that I had already investigated. gee thx. Now I will say that it was beautifully drawn, the music reminded me of another series of games that are quite popular and there were both collectibles and achievements. it had a nice mix of HO scenes and some, not many, different mini games. I had to skip the last one with the masks as I just could not figure out what it wanted me to do. I figured the morphing objects must be in the bonus chapter. However at the end of the game I hit a glitch. It played out the end cut scene and then the game cut out on me. Repeatedly. When I hit the play again button it would replay the cut end scene and do it again. When I tried to play the bonus game it said I couldn't until I finished the main game. But the main game ending would just repeat the end cut scene and shut off. Therefore I can't tell you if there were morphing objects in the extra chapter or not as I was unable to play it. So what I was left with was a beautifully crafted game with a rather weird nonsensical storyline that had a glitch at the end. And for me, that's just not good enough from dev's this experienced. Quite disappointing.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I liked this one. It had a gone missing element in the beginning that made me groan and think oh please not again!! But it soon changed into a story about the forbidden love between a royal and a commoner and the father who goes all out to stop it. This one was a good length which always adds bonus points for me. It had collectibles.. jigsaw pieces that you then used to complete puzzles and morphing objects that added to the number of hints you had available. There were not many mini games as it was mostly adventure play but the ones that were there were pretty fun. One character played the ball under cups game, another involved moving pieces into place just to name a couple. They were good. The graphics were beautiful and the cut scenes that told the story were pretty well done. I liked how the two lovers were represented by fire (the male knight) and ice (the broken hearted female) Things would burst into flame when you least expected it. Lots of locations to explore and tons of inventory objects to use. My only critique on this one was the Strategy Guide. It had no way to follow the morphing objects or the jigsaw pieces to see if you had missed any. They were not included. It did have a good journal that saved all your clues and information though. All in all I thought this was a very entertaining, long, beautifully drawn game with enough extras to keep it interesting. Very good. had it not been for the SG it might have earned 5 stars from me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This is a SE buy for me without a doubt. No collectibles, no morphing and only minimal achievements. They are mostly centered around game play and doing it quickly. Complete each portion of the game in 30 minutes. I like these games but part of what I really enjoyed about the others were the collectibles and the many.. sometimes kinda crazy achievements. So I will watch for it as a SE and use a free coupon. I am sure that way it will be a great game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
For me at least, this game had the perfect balance of HO scenes, adventure play, puzzles and collectible stuff. It had lots of all of them. I loved the collections of collectibles and the morphing objects. Could have used a few more achievements but what was there I had fun with. There was also a conch that you use to control water. I liked the storyline.. a woman has been murdered.. or was she? The police only found parts of a blown up boat. Ever since this incident the family has been having water problems in their house and the child can hear her mother's voice in it. What is going on? Interesting storyline that flowed quite well. I also like it when the main character speaks throughout the game. Makes it more interesting and I never forgot why I was there or what I was doing. I found the VO's pretty good with the exception of the husband sometimes who's voice seemed a tad flat and emotionless considering the circumstances. The graphics were beautiful. I liked the skies in the beginning and the water by the dock in the bonus chapter was especially well done. There was one scene where the water takes a human form and conks the two bad guys out cold. I must say that made me lol. I like it when the search for collectibles and morphing objects are carried over into the bonus chapter and it was for sure necessary to the story. Thankfully no one went missing in this one and the whole thing was very well done. Overall I quite enjoyed this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Really enjoyed this one. Different stuff to do .. like examining the people you are talking to to see if they are lying. Good who dun it game. Lots of suspects and good interaction with them throughout the game. Stars for collectibles and a really good mix of HO scenes, many with several levels, making the search for the morphing object in each of them fairly challenging. Tons of inventory objects and some interesting puzzles made this a good game that flowed quite well. I also liked the folders with all the suspects and evidence. CE extras were very good with lots of stuff to do even after you finished the bonus chapter. I always like when the search for collectibles carries into the extra chapter as it gives me more incentive to play it. Good overall game with enough drama to keep it interesting.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This one just didn't grab me. It's not that it wasn't well done.. the graphics were fine and the VO's okay but I dunno. I had to restart after finally having to use a hint to find a pen in a HO scene. Turns out it was a gem encrusted broach. Looked nothing like a pen. So they meant pin? How can you get the use no hints in the HO's achievement like this?? I later guessed at a brush for a comb etc. so just like on their website, these devs need to invest in a good proof reader. Anyway it wasn't really that that made this game severely ho hum for me.. it was the storyline. A hotel where people have been going missing.. oh please not again!! An ancient artifact has been opened and a great evil has been released who wants to destroy the world.. oh lord kill me now.. and you defeat him with an amulet.. no really? Now maybe it's just me because I own almost five hundred games but I swear that I have played this game about one hundred times before. There were some well worn mini games.. turning pipes for example and easy HO scenes that were lists. There were achievements and maybe a dozen weird collectible things but I found myself several times hoping that it wasn't much longer. And that started about halfway through. It seems the dev's can only come up with two storylines. Everyone and their dog going missing or the evil whatever bent on destroying the world. yawn. And this was a combo of both. I didn't bother with the extra chapter so I can't comment on that. But for me this game was a rehash of all things old, worn and tired. I am hoping that soon this dev will put out some new. fresh, edgy stuff. This was not it.
I don't recommend this game.
4of4voted this as helpful.
Ominous Objects: Family Portrait Collector's Edition
A father returns home to find his children missing - all but one, who refuses to say a word...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
A witch has trapped your family members in paintings and you must release them. Really beautiful graphics in this one. Locations were plentiful and really lovely. Lots of detail and lots of color. Very nice. I really liked that the main character actually spoke throughout the game. You never forgot why you were there or what your goals were. There were lots of achievements and collectible coins that you could use to decorate a room for your helper.. a cat. But the two things I liked best were the wide assortment of mini games.. everything from the old slider blocks to a paint the dragon with numbered pencils that was tricky and the progressive HO scenes where you had to find one object and then open a box with it to find another for example. The bonus chapter was quite good and the game was a pretty good length which in my book at least is pretty important. My only critique and I have said this before is, when playing in advanced.. I do not want to be outright told when to use my helper. Note to the devs.. stop doing that. Leave that for the casual player please. But overall I really enjoyed this one. Beautiful, long with lots of puzzles and HO scenes. Not too easy, good VO's and a decent storyline. Well done game package.
I recommend this game!
2of3voted this as helpful.
Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Collector's Edition
Your sister, the Queen, has fallen deathly ill. Now you must travel to a faraway kingdom to find the cure.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
loved it! loved it! loved it! First and foremost this game is long and that's a huge selling point for me. Plus it was just so much fun. Won't rehash the storyline.. others have already told you that but I will say what I liked. -The cat helper/narrator who you think oh no not another cutesy animal helper but he wasn't. He was smart and the VO for him was wonderful. He told all the cut scene stories and when needed as an actual helper for you he meowed and waved to get your attention. really well done - The HO scenes were a really great mix of interactive lists, silhouettes and find 15 of this or that. They were packed with items and yet crisp and clear - loved the music. this is the first game EVER where I have opted to turn down the other sounds a bit so I could turn the music up. None of this one chord that annoyingly loops throughout the game. this music changed with every location and was beautiful - a huge mix of mini games. I especially liked the removing the bricks to get the crown, the making of snowflakes and later in the bonus chapter potions. the bonus chapter also had a language decoder - there were a ton of locations each one done with lots of color and lots of detail. Really great -only a few achievements but some were quite difficult to get- finish an HO in under thirty seconds for example -And there were sixty coins to collect which were not always easy to find -Lots of inventory objects and you have a complete package. Both the hint system and the strategy guide were there if you needed them. I loved this game. I was thoroughly entertained and it made me smile more than once. Great addition to the story in the bonus chapter. Very well done cut scenes. Don't miss this one if you like dragons and enchanted tales!! Bravo
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Really enjoyed this one. it had quite a good storyline involving a ship's crew who find of a treasure and the fallout from that as several crew members plot a mutiny to keep it for themselves. Locations were beautiful, there were collectible treasure chests and a good array of achievements to achieve. The VO's were believable. I liked that the HO scenes were a mix of different styles. They had some three level ones and also some where you had to use objects within the scene in order to locate other items. I found the extra chapter entertaining and a decent addition to the rest of the story. My only critique is that the game was quite short. I managed to achieve the "complete the game in under five hours" achievement without even trying to. Now that may be a combination of the game being short and/or the puzzles being really super easy. They took no time at all and they're what will often slow me up. Anyway, overall good game I thought with a lot of extras to offer. A souvenier room for example where to go back to each location and find one object or a challenge to get 100% in each of the HO scenes if you want to play them all over again. I did like it. A pretty good package and an entertaining game.