Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Now this is a storyline! Bravo. other dev's could take a page from this one. What a mystery! Just when I don't think I can stand another- whoever gone missing/kidnapped game.. or a save the world from the power hungry whatever.. along comes a game with everything. I don't usually like the run down atmospheres but in this one it was totally relevant. Big mystery in the story.. I still don't know it all and will buy part two in a heartbeat. Didn't give away too much too soon, was really creepy and scary, had a ton of things to do and lots of mini games. Also had collectibles and achievements. Some of them I just couldn't manage like 15 items in 15 seconds due to the way the HO's were structured. But it sure was fun to try. I won't go into all the details of the game as I see this will be the 125th review. Just know that this is the kind of non formatted new and super interesting game we would like more often. Even the different styles of games could take a page from this one in storyline development. Great cut scenes and scary. loved it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
While the mechanics and the visuals in this game were great, I just couldn't shake the sense that I had played this game several times before. I seemed so similar to the dark canvas and dana knightstone games that I had to think they had made some location changes and a few character changes but used essentially the same theme and format. I also noted a few oddities. You were in the bakery when someone threw what appeared to be a molitov cocktail through the window but the next second everything was normal? What? And the sound had this effect that happened over and over of a coin dropping? Now I do play with headphones but still. The other thing was in the bonus chapter. During the game you are a detective, of course. who is chasing a jeweler that is trying to change his appearance to look like a noble who is the husband of the woman he is infatuated with. However in the bonus chapter you are the detective but you look just like the criminal? So are you the noble or the detective? Anyway if you haven't played all those other games, this one is quite well done.. beautiful with lots of locations. Be warned that they do the it's locked.. it's missing thing to death but a lot of games do that. I liked the achievements and the one collectible masks (only 25) but for me this one had trouble holding my interest as it seemed to be a repeat of so many others before it. Nothing new, nothing out of the box so to speak. A good sort of standard CE that seemed very similar to those that came before it. If you're new to this type of game this is a beautiful, well executed one. If you've played all the others you may get a serious case of de jua vue.. I have no idea how to spell that but you get the point.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This one starts out with gorgeous locales that have tons of color that are really detailed and well drawn. Very interesting storyline told throughout the game. Loved how the achievements, collectibles and morphing objects were set up with their own location and the morphing objects completed a storybook. The game play was not overly easy and the morphing items were sometimes quite difficult to locate. good. At least for me, a too easy game will start to lull me to sleep. I did play on the expert setting as that was the only one that would earn an achievement. There was plenty of interaction with characters in the game, many cut scenes and quite good VO's. A little helper cat assisted without being overly sappy. Mini games were varied and numerous but for the most part very easy to finish. The HO scenes were interactive or you could play a game of dominos instead. But it really was the storyline in this game that kept me involved from the beginning all the way to end of the bonus chapter which seemed to fit very well and give the game closure. I didn't find all the morphing items.. missed two. (and I was really trying) nor did I get all the achievements so this one has some replay value also. Overall I really loved this one. Bright, beautiful, charming with a well done story, lots of HO scenes, many puzzles, morphing objects, collectibles and achievements. What else is there? enjoy
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
These devs obviously took some inspiration from the Drawn series. Ten minute demo was enough for me to know that I was going to own it. I did play it on the hardest setting and I was absolutely charmed by every minute, every HO scene and every mini game. This one is not overly hard but really fun. I especially loved the library with the four pop up books. You must interact between these books to complete all the tasks. Each book even had it's own music. The HO scenes are bright and colorful, slightly interactive. The mini games are imaginative and numerous. This one only came in a SE version so it is really worth every penny. I would like to see Fanda games expand and do CE's as well. This game really took me back to all the fun and atmosphere of Drawn (my all time faves), and although it's not as long or epic.. it is a SE after all.. it is just as fun, entertaining and beautiful to look at. Really Really enjoyed this. Give the demo a shot and you'll see what I mean.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game had all of the great elements of most Elephant games. Beautiful graphics, great sound effects and very detailed. Very easy HO scenes, some great mini games and lots of achievements. Had 20 collectible frogs and morphing objects that only began to morph once the temperature dropped below a certain degree. Little details like a cat that returned to stare at a bird every time you left the scene gave this one some charm. The main game was a tad short but the extra chapter carried on what could have easily been the main game. I liked this one, the return to Raincliff and all but for me this easily could have and maybe should have been an epilogue to the first game rather than one that would stand alone. There wasn't a lot different than the first and while I enjoyed it, it did not have the same kind of excitement that the first one did. Don't get me wrong I really did enjoy this. It was fun and well done. 4 outa 5 from me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
This one had the three most important things a game needs IMO. Length.. all the epic adventures are long... gorgeous surroundings.. I could just sit and soak up some of the scenes forever.. and variety. While there were elements of it's locked, it's missing .. they were mixed in with lots of other things to do so it never became a chore. It also had sooo many other things going for it. Like
- different twists on mini games.. and there were tons of them. My fave was a whack a mole game where you must hit 15 correct in 60 seconds - 30 squirrels and 9 statuettes to collect -some new achievements like complete X number of mini games without reading the instructions -an amulet that you charged by creating star constellations - HO scenes where you find one object and then use it to find the next one plus list based ones with mini games in them -lots of cut scenes that told you more of the story - a series of connect the dot puzzles to add animals to the amulet - a jump map and a good hint system.. helpful for those what to do next moments which every really good game has -interesting characters and interaction with them -different ways to use inventory objects like making a freezing potion to cross the lake
I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Haven't played the bonus chapter yet but I probably will.. which says something because I quite often don't bother. This game has it all. My one and only critique was the VO of the child which was clearly an adult squeaking out the highest pitched voice she could possibly manage. (I don't know why they think if they talk in a high pitched voice it will sound like a child.. it doesn't) Well and maybe a storyline that we have seen before but even so the storyline was quite well done. Really really good game. Worth every penny for the CE version. Don't miss this one or you will for sure miss out.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Not much of a plot here. Really same as the first two. Someone is kidnapped sigh by a witch and needs us to rescue her. yawn. oh but besides that.. this is a beautiful game with lots of color and nice scenery. There are achievements, collectibles and morphing objects. Also lots of cool puzzles some easier (most) and some harder (near the end). Your companion/helper Imp is back and all in all this was a pretty decent game. I was happy to see a reset button on all of the puzzles, good strategy guide and a jump map. I liked it.. didn't love it. Found it to be a bit on the short side, without a lot of plot but what was there was pretty to look at and fun to play. I enjoyed this one. So four out of five.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I loved everything about this game. great length. That's really important to me. The graphics and scenery are also really important and they were beautiful. Two collectibles... dog bones for your companion puppy and 20 fairies. Nice story.. while this particular storyline is a bit too familiar, it still kept the game interesting and moving along at a pretty good pace. Loads of color, nice music. Loved the bow and arrow, even if I'm not such a great shot which wrecked my chances at getting all the achievements. Lots of those to achieve and a mix of HO scenes with a riddle at the end for your final item. Good cut scenes also. Having played hundreds of these games I still found this one fun and interesting. It had a lot to offer. Quite well done. Definitely recommend it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I liked this game as games go ..it was okay. But I thought it really lacked any drama at all. You are taken by this mad doctor and then just left to roam the grounds of the sanitarium. You are saving his victims but it all seemed quite dull. You go through the motions and complete what needs to be done to release each patient but I was bored after patient two. A couple of the mini games were fun.. the snakes and ladders map game with dice for example but many were very overused like turn on all the lights by clicking. You know this click turns two on and one off. The graphics were good and the HO scenes were a mix and were clear and bright. I enjoyed those. They did a good job with the achievements and the cut scenes with the medical records. In fact there was nothing wrong with this game but there was nothing exciting either. 30 canes to collect. yawn I dunno. It was okay. Haven't played the extra chapter probably won't. Maybe I've just had enough with the mad whatevers looking to take over the world. Or maybe it's just that this developer often doesn't focus much on storyline and excitement and drama. They do another series of games where the storyline consists of .. there's a witch.. that's it. For me it was just an okay game.
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I loved everything about this game. The length is great, the scenery is stunning, it has a great story, a variety of very imaginative HO scenes and a ton of extra things to do. 3 different collectibles. Some Smithsonian symbols, info cards and morphing objects in the HOP's. I was a bit perplexed by the golden crowns though. Have just started the bonus chapter and never did find any but never mind ..it'll give it replay value. Great music, great VO's and some interesting info on the institute and it's history. Really enjoyed this one. It has absolutely everything that we look for in games today. Don't miss it.