Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
This game has it all, the HOGs are good and there are changes between lists of things to find and shadowed objects to find. 25 musical instruments must be discovered along the way with a surprise at the end when you have them all. The graphics are good and the scenes not so confusing that you lose your way all the time, so a map isn't necessary. The storyline is the usual one, missing people, save them, then save the main character, but it's all very acceptable A good length of time... Worth the money
It has all the elements that we like to see including hidden owls to find, plenty of challenges, good visuals and sound. The map isn't necessary, but it's there. I found all the places easy to keep in mind, which is always a plus in HOGs There is plenty going on and you feel you have travelled a long way by the time you come to the Bonus game. That too is good and absorbing worth the money
I expected a lot more from this game. It has promise, but it was very limited in the story line and the general layout. The story was obvious and whilst it kept me occupied for a little while I would not say it rates with so many other really good Collector's Editions... It was too short for a CE and I have come away from it feeling it was dull, so it probably was. Not for people who enjoy a long game with a good story line, lots of locations and a challenge.
You feel, by the end of the game you have travelled miles and it is hard to remember where you started. The HOGs are both listed and pictured and some of them very challenging. There is a strategy guide for when you get confused or lost - and that is not hard to do. The scenes are good, none too bleak or ugly... The story is pretty clear and the horseman beheads without hesitation, so we lose some nice people... A good game and one worth the money
Of all the Edgar Alan Poe mystery games this is the least fun. It still has the high quality as the other games, but far too many HOGs and a lot of the objects are in the dark and, to my mind, cheating the player as they are seriously hard to find and one is reducted to using the hint button more often than usual. I also find it irritating that the cursor goes off on its own if you click more than three times around the scene. The story line is fair, but the characters are not as believable. Compared to the other games of the same ilk it doesn't match up. Nevertheless it still passes the time pleasantly
As one of the other reviews said, you end up going round in circles and wondering where you should go next. The hints more often tell you there is 'nothing to do here' and there is no guide to get you over the humps. I have finally dumped it, which is not like me at all
The music from the Nutcracker is good... mainly because it isn't too loud, it is there as a relaxing background. The visuals are all beautiful and there are no really dark corners, even in the darkest moments. I enjoyed the HOGs and the story line was strong. It becomes more challenging as the game progresses but there is a map and hints and a strategy guide, so you are never lost for long. All the characters are nice to look at, which I always find a relief as sometimes I find the weird and ugly off putting. Yes, it is a game well worth the buying
At first I thought I'd downloaded a dud, but I was wrong. There are no hints except for the HOGS, no maps, nothing to help you except your own wits. It is all logical, but it can keep you guessing and moving between scenes to find what you might have missed. I liked the scenes, the sound was good and the story line was one of hero finally winning out but not before he faces challenges and so do you.
Nothing was too evil or dark, but there was plenty of things going on and a wide range of scenes.
The HOGs were great, a bit of a challenge but nothing to irritate. The challenges were more about patience than skill which made it possible to get most of them completed.
I will be keeping this one and returning to it. It's very worthwhile.