I mean the pictures were so dark you couldn't see what you were supposed to be doing. I struggled on for a little while hoping it would get better, but it just kept getting worse with poor quality scenes, no story and nothing to give it any lift. I hated it.
Sad to say there are some games where the hint button is the player's best friend. This is one of them. Half way though the game I realised I was becoming very definitely bored. Having paid for it I continued to play but nothing improved. The scenes were drear, the story line just the same as so many other games - save the townsfolk who have been poisoned and are behaving like the walking dead out to get you. Not even finding an item was particularly exciting. I was sadly disappointed.
I think if I see one more game full of blood, torture and poison I will scream! These cannot surely be 'fun'? Okay, trapped in a tower of control and all the residents are now prisoners and are being subjected to horrific tests, which if they don't comply they are tortured and punished. There are even children involved. This game is truly sick, surely it isn't necessary to sink to this level to be entertained?
I did play out the 1 hour free example and when I came to the end I decided that morbid places with no real story or any sort of uplifting theme is just not for me. I have to agree with all the other reviewers who have rejected it, It's not worth playing.
It's outstanding in every way. The scenes are clear and full of detail - they are a book lover's dream - a library that I would love to find and live in. The puzzles and tools are LOGICAL - that one thing I look for in every in every game I play. Perhaps the only thing I found a tad difficult was the constantly revolving hint button, but I eventually got used to it. I could go and describe more, but that would spoil it, all I can say is I wish I'd just found it and even now I am delaying playing the bonus chapter so it doesn't end too soon.
Including morphs and articles to find in each scene. The story moves along well and the scenery is lovely. There is LOGIC! I know I'm always blathering on about logic, but without it we find ourselves pulling out nails with potato peelers and dusting cobwebs with a feather. I fail to see why this sort of artifice is included in games where having the right instrument is no more difficult to supply than something illogical. The idea that we are being tricked and are, therefore, slightly stupid has no appeal for me, or for anyone else I imagine. Games can be very challenging and logic makes us use our minds and develop new ideas instead of wasting our resources on stupidity. The Eternal Emperor has logic and a proper baddie who is sly and mean, and it has a madman who will go to any lengths to 'regain his throne', which of course isn't his. The Agent is, as always clever and Sam not quite so up to parr as he usually is, but nevertheless still available to help. The game is certainly worth the time, energy and money - it has logic :D
There is little logic in this game it, taking nails out with a potato peeler or cutting strong string with a fountain pen does not wash. Sadly the game was also boring, not like most of Eipix's games. In the end I lost any respect I had for the makers as I was driven to the hints over and over again as I lost trust in what I should do next. Not worth it I'm afraid :(
I enjoyed the game very much and will play it again BUT what happened at the end? Suddenly there was the baddie leering over me, a plane went by and that was that. The spy is still in the camp, even if not yet recognised, so where is Enigmatis 4????
I recommend this game!
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Haunted Legends: The Iron Mask Collector's Edition
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I found the game disconnected within itself. There were actions that didn't make any sense, a lot of time I found I was using hints to work out where to go next as there was no logic. Also, instructions on some of the games was so vague as to be useless. I was glad when I came to the end of the bonus chapter and could leave.