I loved the other two games, they were original and beautifully made. This one looked as good as the others but wow, what a let down!! The story was totally unoriginal, the games super easy, the twist was obvious really early on. There was no challenge, and frankly I was bored. Even the famous music wasn't as interesting... I am sad to have to say all this because I was really looking forward to this one - very glad I didn't fork out for the CE. I've said I don't recommend this, but if you are looking for an easy one that's not full of skeletons, demons and witches, then you might like it.
This game started with such promise - I was excited (sucked in?) by the idea of 'Mystery Trackers meets Haunted Hotel', and the story started of so interestingly but it turned out to be a whole lot of nothing, a soap opera, the most basic of both series but none of the imagination. The story suddenly stopped being imaginative and most of the actions made no sense... I had to keep using the hint to remind myself why I was there. And who on earth is that guy in the hat?? His presence was never explained... All the games were simple, the HOS were easy, and there was so much back and forth... it REALLY NEEDS a MAP!! Would only recommend for a beginner who wants an easy one to start with - I am SO disappointed!!
As with the last couple of these, it started promisingly, but went downhill... the asylum idea was different and held so much potential, even returning (again) to the manor looked interesting, but then I think I started playing a totally different game, that could have been pretty much anything. Really think you should have stopped at least four games ago. The idea behind the bonus game also seemed exciting, but again, a great idea wasted. The puzzles were either really really simple, or those mega puzzles, which were just plain confusing - in previous games it was obvious which step lead to the next, but not any more. The variety of HOS kept those interesting, so it isn't without it's good points. Please please let this be the last one...? Fates Carnival is one of my all time favourite games, but the series has lost it's way - can we have some new ideas please?? I will say 'recommend' only because if you've come this far you probably need to play this too, just don't expect it to be as good as the others...
Really liked this one - the puzzles were good, the hos were a bit tricky, it looked beautiful, and the game seemed to go on for ages!! There's no hint or map, so it is just that little bit extra challenging - the walkthrough is really useful, thanks. Some of the names for items in the hos were a bit strange, (lost in translation, I guess), but that just added to the challenge. They seemed to get weirder closer to the end... Overall, this one was a bit different, I really enjoyed it.
Wow, what a disappointment! I really love Mystery Trackers but the last two were bad and worse. This was so short, hardly any HOS or puzzles, and they were all so simple. The only challenging thing was the multi-puzzles, and that's an idea that they stole from MCF! Even the story line was a disappointment, after starting so promisingly - but it was over almost before it began. I don't know what it was that made the first few Mystery Trackers so good, but this one definitely does not have it!
Is that it?? It started off so well, then it was reduced to only a couple of rooms to move around in and all of a sudden it was over... not sure how it happened. The hos are a good mix of finding random junk and finding pieces of one single item, and the puzzles are a mix of really hard and really easy. I played the demo and is looked so good (except that my 60 minute trial ended after exactly 30 minutes). But sadly it seemed to go downhill from there... Ok for a beginner, maybe.
I don't recommend this game.
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Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles
Charles Baskerville is the latest victim of a centuries-old curse! Help Holmes break the curse before the next murder occurs!
Overall rating
3/ 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
What book??
PostedAugust 11, 2015
fromSydney, Australia
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
Don't play this if you love the original story - it will break your heart. Or if you can't stand the sight of blood. But... as a stand alone game it has a few interesting elements. It's not really challenging, but fun as a time waster, and the fact that there are hidden rooms and timelines makes it a bit more interesting... Not for hardened players, but fun for beginners, I think...
omg This has got to be the most boring game I've ever bought on big fish!! I only bought it this morning, I've played for as long as I could stand it and really wish I could get my money back! I bought it unseen because I really enjoyed the previous game, Asylum Conspiracy, and thought this, having been promoted as a sequel, would have actually been a continuation, but not so - this feels like it was made about ten years before, the technology looks so old!! So this was a double disappointment. The worst thing is the fact that it shows you each step of the way, shows you what to do or where to look before you've had a chance to explore a scene and figure it out for yourself. I hate that! What's the point or playing if it tells you every step?? Maybe for a first game... Moral of the story - try before you buy!!
Oh Mystery Trackers, how I loved thee and longed for more... and how I have been disappointed!!! The story started off with great potential, and I after a while I thought I had figured out the 'twist'.. only there was none. It would have made it more interesting... While the HOS were varied, making it a little more interesting, there was hardly any challenge in this at all - the puzzles and games were either 30 second simple of ridiculously complicated, and the game play rather bland. Sometimes I was not sure if I was playing Mystery Trackers or Mystery Case Files - this was so similar to their last one, almost exactly the same at some points. I think Elf was the only element from the other Trackers that made it different, and so many games have a 'little helper' these days - it didn't have any of the other things I loved about them. I absolutely loved all the previous Mystery Trackers so splashed out on the CE for the first time ever - won't be doing that again! I guess the moral is don't get your hopes up, and don't expect things to stay the same. As a game on it's own it was ok, so I'll tick recommend, but Trackers lovers be warned...
This has got to be the most boring game I've ever bought on Big Fish!! It is almost entirely HOS, with a little dialogue thrown in. The description looked so interesting, and the story definitely appealed, but boy was I sucked in. HOS after HOS, some 'conclusions' that made absolutely no sense and then all of a sudden some spooky special effects that came out of nowhere and seemed to have absolutely no relevance to everything else. I guess you need to know a lot about Poe to understand anything that's going on. Only buy this if you love HOS after HOS and nothing else!