Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
I wish I knew who the devs are that made this game because I would make sure and NEVER buy another of their games. I have almost never quit a game without finishing it, but I am tired of punishing myself for buying this...I quit. I get that some games you have to turn your brain off and just go with the flow of the storyline, this one is plain idiotic. You are a wealthy Lady in England...old enough to have a grown niece...yet when she goes missing you fly off to Tibet and the men you meet greet you with, "if you can fix the plane you can fly to her camp." So you fix the plane and fly it yourself...it gets worse from there. There is no character development for the good guy or bad, so you don't like either of them. The graphics are horrible. Not even comic book standard. The peoples heads move like bobble-heads and the dragon is laughable. There is a HOP in every scene and when you click on the sparkles to start one a loud brassy gong goes off every time, plus they are super easy. Once again I wish I knew....
I haven't submitted a review in ages but this was so bad I had to vent. Story is woman gets a baby on her doorstep and takes him in. Five years later child is kidnapped and woman spends the rest of the game searching. So much of the story is nonsensical you just have to turn your brain off and play. The graphics are just okay....except in the bonus game where it looks like you are stuck in a comic book....the music was also okay. The HOS were terrible. There were three kinds...find 12 morphing items (good luck)....interactive where you have a piece of mystery on your cursor wondering where the heck??!!.....and lastly the typical hos. All three had items that were very hard to see much less find and were not clear. Each scene had a collectible that is an origami swan. You had to hunt for most of them, which is fine with me, but some were so impossible to find that I had to look at where they were located in the guide and then click my cursor all over the area where they were. One more thing they all morph...so go from nearly invisible to invisible. I am not a beginner to these games either, I like a challenge, but geez.The ending was abrupt, the whole thing was a train wreck and don't get me started on the joke of a bonus game. Try before you buy!! Worst of the whole series.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I really liked the first 12 Labor game and so when I saw this I got it right away. Boy am I glad I used a free game coupon and did not pay money for this one. They changed the farm, and the wood shack to where you can only pick up one slice of food or one piece of wood unless you get to the point where you can upgrade. The problem is that it refills very quickly and you are running for that one piece all the time and if you don''t get 'there in time the thief takes it. Those who played this game before knows that you already have a LOT of tasks going on at one time , much less have to run for your supplies so many times each level. So you say upgrade the building and you'll be set....haha, some levels don't allow you to upgrade so you have a bunch of buildings doling out one item at a time and all you hear for the entire level is....ding-a-ling...ding-a-ling...ding-a-ling. It is maddening, so maddening I gladly deleted this one! And oh yes Hera comes down and screeches whenever and it is very easy to get rid of her, so it is pointless. one more irritating thing is the ad banner, for the first game, you have to see EVERY time you return to the map...REALLY??!! DEVS you made a great game very silly and annoying
This game was pretty easy and I am not a pro. The story line was okay. The music was repetitive and the graphics were okay. The map was interactive and there was a strategy guide. There were 46 hearts to collect and achievements also. One of the HUGE things for me is the live actors. Or better yet the DEVS who THINK they are actors. All but one of the names of the listed actors are the names of the DEVS. You cannot act! Stick to what you do best and stop putting yourselves into your production. Animation against animation works best and looks best....not real people stuck into animation. I think a lot of you who are far better than me are going to be bored with this one.
I hated this game. I have never put it out there like that before, but that is how bad this one is. How is this game possibly a CE; no collectables, no map, and best of all no strategy guide. Oh it has a strategy guide button on your screen but when you click on it, it is actually a task menu. That is NOT a strategy guide DEVS, and boy do you need one for this game. Most of the time you have no idea where to go or what to do because the gameplay makes no sense Oh goodness the voice overs were horrible! All over-acted and the voices were awful. I wanted to throw my fairy in the dungeon by the end of the game, high-pitched, baby talking fairy ugh! The graphics were cartoon-like, the music was soooooo repetitive...I turned the sound off finally.So I am a fan of the cute helper and this one had two, who had driven me to seek help by the end of the game with all of their blabbering to me and others. Not only that but these two helpers were also your hint buttons and sorry ones at that. There was no guidance, no telling what you might do next or where you might need to go, just pointing at the same task over and over again and I could not figure out what needed to be done. So I finally Googled a walkthrough for this game and I found a good one and used it to complete the game. SPOILER ALERT!! So you are the princess looking for your baby that the evil witch has stolen and at the end of the game you find her and the evil witch (who looks like she came straight out of a comic book) and you fight her for the baby by finding hidden objects. So every time you clear the items, more pop up and you find those too until you make a hit on her and she gets distracted and your fairy and dragon grab the baby and fly off and while you watch them go the witch turns you to stone and that's the end. YIKES....enough said look at all of the repeat 5 star fanatics then look at the negative reviews and don't be like me and say..."maybe it'll be okay"
I did not enjoy this one. It started out okay and turned south pretty quickly. First things first. As usual you are a detective who is helping solve a mystery with Detective Dupin. This time you are to find the missing Usher twin. The twins are linked somehow and when one hurts the other does too..so forth and so on. Even though they look like adults they still have a nanny?? The music was nice but repetitive, the graphics were okay, a little dark, and the voices sounded like the same person...same guy for guys and same woman for the women. The collectables were a joke, no challenge at all. you see a dollhouse, you click on the dollhouse and get the magnifying glass and find the coins in the house. The map started out okay but as it got bigger and bigger it was TERRIBLE. It became a big map that showed a city, the house, and the graveyard. It was supposed to show you where you had tasks and it did but you had to click on EACH individual house to find where. It was easier to just use the hint button. Some of the HOS were mind boggling frustrating. The run of the mill ones were okay, but the others...yikes! They had HOS that you had to answer riddles by picking the right thing and it was pretty vague. Ones where you had to make an item like a shovel that was broken down into about twenty pieces...and TINY pieces...and quite a few of those kind...and a few others, you get the idea. Most of the puzzles were very easy and a few were a challenge. By the way what is with the rat on the bar that is totally for nothing. It flips and spins and is distracting. SPOILER ALERT: It turns out this house is being fed people by the nanny who gets to stay young in return. So she doesn't want the twins to die so she just gets enough to keep them sick. The "heart"of this house is this REALLY stupid looking smaller house with crazy eyeballs for windows and not threatening at all, but tries to threaten you all the same. At the end the nanny, twins, and doctor all show up before you destroy this thing and when you do the twins blow up into dust and the house falls in on the nanny. REALLY??!! Doesn't do it for me. If some of you read my profile you see that I have a lot of reviews not liking games. You all have a multitude of people on the the 5 star bandwagon, who want to be the first review so they can get the likes. You can get all of the info about what everybody liked from them. I'm the one along with others who will let you know about the bad...if there is. Please give us more like True Fear!!
I don't recommend this game.
13of14voted this as helpful.
Dark Dimensions: Somber Song Collector's Edition
Townspeople flee as the black smoke covers their town. Can you close the dark dimension, before it’s too late?
I did not like this game. While the story line was good the ending ruined it, but I'll get to that later. The art work was very good and the music score was haunting and also very good. There was an interactive map that showed where there were tasks, and the hint button did not tell you exactly what to do next...thank goodness. There were collectibles that were pieces of music scores that fit together and told you some of the story. There was a fire at a school that killed children twice in different centuries. One of the victims mom was so grieved that she turned to evil and was part of the bad guy team, the other was this puff of smoke thing that was never fully explained. Your job is to save the remaining survivor from their clutches. Okay that's where the good ends. The HOS were all interactive. You have to find a piece of an item and then when it is back together you have to use it on another item, and so on. That is okay if it has some common sense involved. There was none. You have to run your cursor over the entire scene to find the gear turning icon to figure out what needed work on, BUT no clue for what actually needed to be used on the item and let me tell you that there were MANY times that I had to use the hint button to figure it out. It was very frustrating and to make it worse there were MANY HOS. Some of the puzzles had no instructions, some had vague instructions, and a few were good. SPOILER ALERT: The ending really pushed me over the cliff on this one. You cast out the demon smoke thing out of the little girl survivor, then the little boy ghost who has been helping you come against his evil mom magically comes back to life and the evil mom who has been wreaking havoc on the whole city snaps out of her evilness and says "I thought I had lost you forever." Really!!?? Not fall over in shock and have a heart attack!? I am with the other reviewers who scratch their heads and wonder why the same people give these raving 5 star reviews over and over again. I'm here to present a realistic view of the game so you can see its shortcomings and decide if you want it. As for me I won't be recommending this one
I really did not like this game. I played for 45 minutes and could not go on. It is very slow moving and totally boring. The are no HOS. You click on an item and balloons pop up around that item. You are supposed to collect the items in the balloons before you can get that item. That is what you do in every scene. There is a lot of back and forth to get all these items. There is no map, no collectables, and no morphing items. I like these things in a CE. There is almost zero interaction with other humans or creatures. The graphics were okay and the storyline was good if the game were not so different, and a bad different for me.So, for me this was a bust.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
I did not like this game for a number of reasons which I will explain later. The story is that an evil spirit has been released and someone is painting pictures that have come to life and are wreaking havoc in Smalltown. You are a detective who has come to cure all of this. There are a whopping 50 collectables! I love collectables but even that was not enough to save this game. You are given 1 to 3 stars for how you perform in mini games and HOS. The catch here is that you don't find that out until you play one. They do not tell you how to get three stars; you have to figure that out on your own. I did figure out that in the HOS if you mis-click on stuff it will lower your star rating...okay easy enough...be careful. BUT WAIT! The catch here is that in MANY of the HOS there are more than one of the items listed...example there are two keys or two brushes....which one to click??? Eenie Meenie?? I never did figure out the star rating on the mini games, you are on your own. The art work is not as deep and rich as so many other games. I did not find it pretty at all, kind of one dimensional. The music was okay, the spoken dialogue was okay. The game is long, I played for about 4 hours, so you collect stuff on the way and you need to remember that an item you just collected might fit something you saw 2 hours before and a lot of the items are vague when it comes to fitting where it belongs. The hint button is horrible. It doesn't just give direction, it flat out tells you EXACTLY what to do next. The game "board"is vast so you need a map and this has a good one. But when you get stuck and there is nothing in your inventory that needs using you are supposed to use ESP to find where the hidden object scene is hiding among all of the places you have been...or better yet use the hint button. The story did not flow, it was very disjointed and the ending was so awful. I am done, I did not even play the bonus game. After playing beautiful games like Witches Legacy and others this does not measure up. So don't judge me cause you disagree with me, just judge if this was helpful at all.
Who am I is an immersive hidden object adventure of an epic scale! Take the role of an undercover agent investigating strange sci-fi incidents in the city.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
City of Fools revisited. Just as fun, just as silly and funny, but much easier to navigate and a LOT shorter! Lots of puzzles, lots of things to figure out, and lots of HOS. I was really enjoying myself and then an hour and a half to two hours into the game I was done! Yikes, really!!?? So if you want a taste of City of Fools...and I do mean only a taste....buy it. Best to get if you have a free game code though.