Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I really liked this game. The story was good. The graphics were good. Not too many HOS, in fact it was the right amount for me. The puzzles were fun and not ridiculously hard. I can't of one negative. I enjoyed this game very much.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
4/ 5
I have never started a game that I did not finish...until now. There is no hint button except in the HOS, so you have to plod along unaided. Speaking of HOS, there are so many of them, almost every room you go into. That is not bad enough some rooms have TWO! When I came to the fourth room with two of them in the same room, well I was done. That is ridiculous to have that many. The objects are tiny, the HOS are grainy and my eyes hurt after all that. I uninstalled with no regrets that I was a quitter.
This was a lot of fun. I loved it even though every one of the HOS were place the item not find...I really don't like those. But most of the time the place for the item made sense, so it wasn't all bad. The story was good. It wasn't mind numbing hard and I played on casual so it was easier. The graphics were good and the spoken lines were good and not over the top. It was all fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
I am the first one star review...are you kidding me!!?? I really did not like this game, but I am not a quitter so I played through. I never thought I would be able to say this but....this was waaay to easy. The HOS were grainy and dull. There was too many of them, but that is because the HOS were the main way to get items for you to use, about 90%. They would give you items in the room just before you needed it in the next area. Yikes! It was mind numbing boredom.
I really like this series and this game is my favorite. The visuals are beautiful and so is the sound. There were just enough HOS and did not overwhelm you with them like other games. The mini-games were fun and interesting. The voices were believable and not overdone...except for one.The storyline flowed and there was not a lot of back and forth. When you did have to hop around a bit they provided you with a very good map. I enjoyed every minute of this game. The bonus section was interesting in theme but they DID have you hopping around all over the place. Thank you map and strategy guide.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
1/ 5
I really disliked this game. I thought it would be like it's prequel and it had changed things. They added HOS. A few of them were fun and challenging but the others were off the chart challenging. Do you know what a dodecahedron is..ya me neither. Your cursor turns into a hand when you need to move or open something and then sometimes does not turn back into your cursor and you have to go to another part of the puzzle or room and click many times to get your cursor back. There are a lot of HOS, there were two in one room I entered. The hint button trail moves very fast and either ricochets or curves around and you need to follow it because when it finally hits what you need to see it expands very fast into a big circle making you search even more for the thing you wanted to find. The navigation on this game was abysmal. It was either too easy to flop in another room or almost impossible. You have your hint button and a person from what ever period you are in to supposedly help you. The person is very little help beyond telling you what needs to be done and in some instances it is something in another area you cannot go to yet. In one room he was telling me to pull the lever. Well I couldn't find the lever so I clicked the hint button and the hint button said there's nothing to do in this room. Finally found the lever on my own across the room from the item that needed to be lowered. Just like the first game you have to find pieces of items to put things together but they are all spread out in other rooms. Unless you like frustration don't but this one.
I did have fun playing this game. The storyline was good...up to the point where the guys hand over the Arc of the Covenant to a man with out-stretched arms.....like the Arc of the Covenant can be carried by one person. The HOS were good, a little grainy but okay. The thing that I do not like about this games HOS was that sometimes you had to use one of your items in the scene and sometimes you might not have that item till later and you can't finish the scene. Plus you have to spend time figuring that out. The actors in this game were horrible actors. I would rather have badly animated people than terrible actors. So if you can put up with what I don't like, get the game. If not.....?
I had sooo much fun playing this game! It was spooky and eerie; it had great graphics and the hint button was very helpful (which I like because I play casual). On the other hand.....The HO scenes had items that you had to do extra work for. Now generally I don't mind the extra challenge of that but these were ridiculous. You didn't have to do one or two things, but numerous things. One time I counted seven steps to finally getting the item and all of these steps were totally unrelated to each other. REALLY!!?? Then some of the mini games were games where you had to rotate something and or twist your mouse around, or aim at something with your mouse and these were almost impossibly frustrating.So I don't know what to tell you. Sorry :(
I love time management and strategy games. This one was not fun. On the other hand the sequel is great, Weather Lord: Hidden Realm. That was a lot of fun. Don't buy this one; buy the sequel.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This was a whole lotta fun! The graphics were beautiful and interesting. The HO scenes were very different in a good way. I actually looked forward them instead of dreading them. The only reason I gave this game 4 stars instead of 5 was the ending. It was VERY abrupt. They took so much time and care getting you there then they just drop it on you. That being said I still highly recommend this game. PS: when you are in the room putting books on the bookshelves look at the way they spelled geography. Hehe