Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
2/ 5
I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out and shove sharp pencils in my ears by the end of this game. I must seek help for even finishing it. The music is so annoying...repetitious banjo, harmonica hillbilly music...I turned the volume waaaay down. At the end the bad guy is following you with a gun screaming at you the entire time you finish the tasks. I turned the sound off then. Then at the end the entire bad guy family....guy, wife and bad little girl...gets killed. Really??!! A child??!! The HOS were messy and hazy most of the time and the puzzles, wow! Let me just say I was very thankful I could skip them because most of the time they would have taken an Act of God to complete. So many human actors that you had to have lots and lots of dialogue with...YIKES! I cannot believe there are so many positive reviews on this game. Oh and the "strategy guide" What a joke there were no walkthrough instructions AT ALL. It just told you what task at hand you had. I could not have completed the game without the walkthrough here. This was one of the most convoluted games ever. Don't get this unless you like to suffer.
17of25voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
This is a sequel to Nightmares of the Deep: The Cursed Heart, which by the way was a very good game. This was just as much fun if not more. It had beautiful graphics, a great storyline, and wonderfully creepy music. I enjoyed every bit of this game. This one is a must buy!
This game is my new favorite. The story was great, the graphics were beautiful, and the music was very good. The HOS were fragment scenes and challenging but not impossible. It was spooky and scary and fun! I was disappointed that it ended. Hey Blue Tea...more like this one please.
This game started out with promise. I really liked it at first, but the deeper you got into the game the worse it got. The map was a joke. It was supposed to show you all the places where you still had things to do and it did so for certain things. Most of the time you were left in the dark about where to place the item you just found. There were so many open areas with stuff to do that I could never keep track of them all, and back and forth and backtracking galore. There were a gazillion HOS. Most of them were grainy and stuffed full of items so it was difficult and sometimes impossible to see the item to find. Then on most of them you had to play a mini puzzle in the HOS...really??!! Sometimes you would finally find an item to place and the reward for placing that item was another HOS! Sometimes you played a mini game and your reward was another HOS! Yikes!! The game had real people in it and their acting was TERRIBLE! Please developers quit putting yourself and your friends in these!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I had a lot of fun on this one. The graphics were great. The storyline was really good. The game gets you involved pretty quickly. It has a great map and navigation is good. The hint button is mildly aggravating though. When you click on it there are sparkles that fly slowly to the top and then spread outward slowly to tell you what you might do next. Ugh, but it was helpful in most cases. The puzzles were fun and most of them made sense. The reason for 4 stars and not 5 were the amount of HOS. One in every room. That is bad enough but some of them had many multiple items...like one had 6 brushes and 7 rings to find and that doesn't count the other 2 and 3 item multiples that were there. The HOS were crammed full of stuff so it was a challenge to find some things. A little of sensory overload going on. That aside it was a game worth playing and I am glad I bought it.
I quit. I could not take it anymore. It was so boring!! It had waaay to many HOS. Oh my I cannot believe people like this so much. I would rather watch golf on tv. Or maybe even watch paint dry than to play this game.
I loved the game Nightmare Adventures The Witches Prison so when this came out I got it right away. It was the same style adventure game, with the same creepy atmosphere. So much fun!! I was going to give it a 4 star rating because 99% of the puzzles were mind numbingly hard. The photo clues for solving these puzzles were pitiful at best. So I would get my phone out and play a game until the skip button charged. Then skip:) I still was enjoying this adventure until the ending came along. What a horrible ending; I hated it. It literally ruined the whole game for me. If you can get past a horrible ending it is a lot of good adventure fun.
Yikes!! I really did not like this game. There were way too many FROG scenes. There were too many things going on at one time. I had so many items in inventory it was way too hard to keep up with. This game had me running all over the place for items and there were so many it was hard to remember where they were to be used. The story seemed disjointed and did not run smoothly. I never connected with the characters as a result and really did not enjoy this game. I didn't even play the bonus chapter.
I really enjoyed this game. The HOS were good and the items were not distorted and easy to see. There were a few too many for my taste but not an overwhelming amount. The monkey help was fun and useful. I do wish the map had been a transporting map but the hint button would lead you where you needed to be. This one is a must buy!
This really was a nice game. The story was interesting and I really liked the fact that the backtracking was nonexistent. Each area was pretty contained and once you were done there...well you were done. The except that gave this game 4 stars instead of 5 were the HOS. There were a lot. Not a huge amount but a lot, which normally is okay except they were dark and it was hard to see the items. Some of the items were so vaguely drawn they were almost impossible to see, and add the fact that the hint meter was very slow...and I had it on casual...this made the HOS very tedious. Aside from that I really did enjoy the game.