I wasn't really impressed. Some of the HOS were very grainy and you had to be close to the screen to see some items. It was very slow paced and sometimes boring. The mini games were okay except for one thing, if you had an item or items to place before you could start you have to put it in the EXACT place they wanted you to put it. It was not obvious on some puzzles so it was kinda frustrating. And then one of my pet peeves.....some items in HOS were misnamed....listed a stud, actually a button..listed a scar, actually a hand print, listed tassels, actually curtains, listed a trumpet, actually a trombone. That meant I had to use a hint on some of these, a hand print is a scar...really!!?? Oh and FYI in the bonus game when they ask for a mirror in one of the HOS its a dental mirror :)
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
I didn't like this one. The storyline and music were just okay. Lots of grainy HOS. Items in the HOS were mis-labeled at times....comb would actually be a brush, kettle would be a serving tea pot, nautilus would be a paper boat. Yikes! It moved slowly and just wasn't fun.
I really liked playing this game it was fun. The two buts are: the a lot of the HO scenes are very different, just plain wierd. Which facinated and bugged me at the same time. The next but is the biggest...it really had a tutorial that was the worst one I have ever had. I did not know that there were achievement awards until I finished and looked at the bonus material. The tutorial never told me about morphing items, never pointed out the strategy guide, and a couple of other things. I like to look for morphing items and I like to look at the strategy guide. But I didn't because it was so dark and unassuming that I did not know I had one until I played the bonus game. So with a warning about that, for all you casual players like me, I do recommend this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The story was great, the HO scenes were great, the graphics were great...except the cutscenes... the difficulty level was great .All in all great fun and a great game
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
I really did not like this one. I am shocked there are not more negative reviews. Go look and the SE version and you will see some. The items you collect in this game are so random and give you no idea where to use them. Not all of course but most. I love playing these games and don't mind a challenge but when I have to look at the guide just to see what to do next, most of the time, it makes me crazy. The HO scenes have tiny items, strange shaped keys that don't look like keys, and items so vague you can hardly see them without getting two inches from the screen The ending leaves you on a cliff. not a cliff-hanger, just drops you off. No answers to what happens, no closure to the story. Awful!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
5/ 5
I really wanted to like this game and there were parts I really liked. The parts I didn't like were awful. Thank goodness there was a map, because...even though this is what you do in a HOS...there was SO much back and forth it was ridiculous. The mini games were either crazy hard or simple enough for a five year old. The items in your inventory were very simple to use or so off the wall that without a hint button you would never figure out where to use it. The story was great, the graphics were beautiful, it was a long game...all of that was great. The other part, YIKES. I finished it only because I had invested too much time to give up. I usually love Elephant games but not this one.